Man pages for Novartis/subpat
Subpopulation and subgroups shiny modules

actionButtonStatusCopied from shiny::actionButton, but provide support for... a DataFilter to data frame
bs4SimplePageCreate a simple page
columnLabelsGets the labels from a SAS data set (read in by...
columnLabelsInvertGets the labels from a SAS data set in format for selectInput...
commonColumnsReturns the common columns of a list of data frame (or other...
coxphHazardTableCreate the hazard ratio table
createCommonTableCreate a 'subject level' table from a list of data sets...
DatasetFilterCreate object for data set filter
datatableControlsCreates a data table with controls in a column Warning: The...
extractRowNumberExtract the row number from a id in a datatable when row...
FilterFilter Module
formatCIFormat confidence interval
getFilterVarNamesGets a string of the variable names in the population filter
hasClassCheck if a given css class is in the class string
is.dateCheck if a value is a date
kmEventSummaryCreate the table summary for the events based on RATIFY's kmQ...
kmEventTablesCreates a event table from a survival model. Return a table...
kmQuartilesCreate the table summary for the quartiles (Q1, Median, Q3),...
labelToColumnGets the column from a given label
labelToNameGets the given variable name from a label
numericColNamesReturns numeric column names
partitionPartitions a numerical vector into factors Ensures that all...
patientCountBadgeCreates the patient count badge
pipePipe operator
population_control_columnCreates the control column html buttons prefixed with a given...
PopulationFilterConstructor for "PopulationFilter" class. A list of filters...
print.DatasetFilterprint implemention for DatasetFilter class
queryGeneric function to query
query.DatasetFilterQuery the dataset filter and get back the data set with...
queryIndividual.PopulationFilterGets all ids that match the current filters in the given...
query.PopulationFilterQuery the population filter
querySubjectsGeneric function to query subjects
querySubjects.DatasetFilterGet the unique patients that match the given filter
querySubjects.PopulationFilterQuery the subjects from a population filter
runPlgRuns the PLG Shiny application
runTTERuns the TTE shiny application
SubgroupSubgroup TidyModule
SubgroupManagerSubgroup module creates derived variables based on numeric...
subpatExamplesRuns the various module examples
subpat-packagesubpat: Subpopulation and subgroups shiny modules
SubpopulationPopulation Module
SubpopulationManagerSubpopulation Manager TidyModule
TableListingTable Listing Module
toPandocReturns a population filter as pandoc
toString.DatasetFiltertoString implemention for DatasetFilter class
totalSubjectsGet the total number of subjects across a list of data sets....
TTETime to event (TTE) module
TTEMappingTime to event mapping module
validateIconCopied from shiny input-action.R This is not exposed in...
VariableSelectionVariable Selection Module
Novartis/subpat documentation built on April 11, 2020, 3:11 p.m.