Man pages for NumbersInternational/qrserver
R Analysis Functions for Q

animal.noiseDetermine the noise of an animal
BoxCenterBox center 'BoxCenter' Computes the coordinates of the center...
BoxCoordinatesBox coordinates 'BoxOverlap' Computes the positions of the...
BoxOverlapWhether or not two boxes overlap 'BoxOverlap' Checks to see...
breakfastDissimilaritiesBreakfast Dissimilarities
colaPerceptionsCola Perceptions
csdPerceptionsCarbonated Soft Drink Brand associations
DistanceDistance between points 'Distance' A Euclidean distance...
DistanceToBoxDistance to a line segment 'DistanceToBox' Computes the...
DistanceToLineSegmentDistance to a line segment 'DistanceToLineSegment' Computes...
FittedAndObservedExtracts fitted and observed. 'FittedAndObserved' extracts...
GetXlimggplot xlim 'GetXlim' Tests if a box overlaps any other...
GetYlimggplot ylim 'GetYlim' Tests if a box overlaps any other...
GoodnessOfFitObject Goodness-of-Fit 'GoodnessOfFit' summary is a generic...
GoodnessOfFitInternalPackages up the object goodness of fit,...
GoodnessOfFitPlotGoodness-of-Fit Plot 'GoodnessOfFitPlot' A generic function...
IsOverlapBox Overlaps 'IsOverlap' Tests if a box overlaps any other...
LabeledScatterPlotFind better cootrdinates for text labels 'GetYlim' Identifies...
OutliersPlotObject Goodness-of-Fit Plot 'OutliersPlot' A generic function...
qColorsQ's color palate (16 October 2014)
ReducePointAndLabelOverlapFind better cootrdinates for text labels 'GetYlim' Identifies...
SquaredDistanceSquared distance between points 'SquaredDistance' Squared...
NumbersInternational/qrserver documentation built on May 7, 2019, 7:19 p.m.