Man pages for OHDSI/Castor
Characterization and Analysis of Statistical Time series comprised Of Real-world data

getAchillesMonthlyDataGet Achilles monthly data by concept_id or set of concept_ids
getAchillesTsReturn a monthly multivariate time series of Achilles data...
getCountTsBuild a univariate time series of counts (or distinct counts)...
getIntervalCharacterizationCharacterize a given time series' behavior over a given...
getMACompute a simple moving average for a given time series
getNeighborhoodDfCreate and return the neighborhood data frame for a given...
getOutliersGet the outliers for a given time series
getRawTsBuild a univariate time series of raw data from a specified...
getSeasonalityScoreGet the seasonality score for a given monthly time series
getSlopeAngleSizeCompute and return the degree measure of the angle of the...
getTrendGet the trend of a given time series
getTrendChangePointsReturn the change points of the trend for the given time...
getTrendTransitionPointsReturn the transition points of the trend for the given time...
getTsMonthReturn the two digit month for a each element of a given time...
getTsYearReturn the four digit year for each element of a given time...
isStationaryDetermine whether or not a time series is stationary in the...
sumAcrossYearsFor a monhtly time series, compute sum and proportion by...
tsCompleteYearsTrim a monthly time series object to so that partial years...
tsToDfReturn a monthly or daily univariate time series object as a...
OHDSI/Castor documentation built on March 20, 2021, 6:09 p.m.