Man pages for OHDSI/LocalControl
Nonparametric Methods for Generating High Quality Comparative Effectiveness Evidence

cardSimSimulated cardiac medication data for survival analysis
framinghamFramingham heart study data extract on smoking and...
lindnerLindner Center for Research and Education study on Abciximab...
LocalControlLocal Control
LocalControlClassicLocal Control Classic
LocalControlCompetingRisksConfidenceCalculate confidence intervals around the cumulative...
LocalControl-deprecatedDeprecated LocalControl functions
LocalControlNearestNeighborsConfidenceProvides a bootstrapped confidence interval estimate for...
plot.LocalControlCRPlot cumulative incidence functions (CIFs) from Local...
plot.LocalControlCSPlots the local treatment difference as a function of radius...
SPSbalanTest for Within-Bin X-covariate Balance in Supervised...
SPSloessLOESS Smoothing of Outcome by Treatment in Supervised...
SPSlogitPropensity Score prediction of Treatment Selection from...
SPSnbinsChange the Number of Bins in Supervised Propensiy Scoring
SPSoutcoExamine Treatment Differences on an Outcome Measure in...
UPSaccumPrepare for Accumulation of (Outcome,Treatment) Results in...
UPSaltddArtificial Distribution of LTDs from Random Clusters
UPSboxplotReturns a series of boxplots comparing LTD distributions...
UPSgraphDisplay Sensitivity Analysis Graphic in Unsupervised...
UPShclusHierarchical Clustering of Patients on X-covariates for...
UPSivadjInstrumental Variable LATE Linear Fitting in Unsupervised...
UPSLTDdistPlot the LTD distribution as a function of the number of...
UPSnnltdNearest Neighbor Distribution of LTDs in Unsupervised...
OHDSI/LocalControl documentation built on Sept. 9, 2024, 12:16 a.m.