ROhdsiWebApi 1.3.3


  1. Fix R check by showing first entries in public ATLAS, not latest (which can contain characters not supported by LaTeX).

ROhdsiWebApi 1.3.2


  1. Fix R check.

ROhdsiWebApi 1.3.1


  1. Package maintenance

ROhdsiWebApi 1.3.0


  1. Added exportCohotSetDefinition
  2. Added getConceptSetDefinitionBySourceKey

ROhdsiWebApi 1.2.1


  1. CreatedDate in getDefinition now returns in proper date time format.
  2. Update Definitions added

ROhdsiWebApi 1.2.0


  1. Removed dependency on ParallelLogger.
  2. Implemented support for security. Thank you @ablack3 @azimov and @anthonysena.
  3. Removed function getConceptSetsFromCohortDefinition because out of scope of this package.
  4. Added vignette.
  5. Added additional tests.

ROhdsiWebApi 1.1.3

Bug fixes:

  1. Fixed bug with returning results for incidence rate.

ROhdsiWebApi 1.1.2


  1. Replace read.csv with readr::read_csv, write.csv with readr::write_csv to ensure type stability and use of tibble.
  2. Replaced jsonlite with RJSONIO to address issue with special characters "Sjögren".
  3. Replaced used of data.frame(), tidyr::tibble().
  4. Fixed bugs due to join on data frame with no row records.

ROhdsiWebApi 1.1.1


  1. Use BIGINT for cohort_definition_id.

ROhdsiWebApi 1.1.0


  1. New functions: getConceptSetsFromCohortDefinition.

Bug fixes:

  1. was causing duplication of date matches.
  2. RJSONIO::toJSON loss of precision #152.

ROhdsiWebApi 1.0.0

Note: This is a major release. This release is expected to break implementations that rely on prior iterations of ROhdsiWebApi.

(last updated : 2020-06-12)


  1. Generic design pattern: Starting with version 1.0.0, we have implemented a new generic design pattern.
  1. Consistent naming conventions:
## # A tibble: 7 x 1
##   ` Category`     
##   <chr>           
## 1 ConceptSet      
## 2 Cohort          
## 3 IncidenceRate   
## 4 Estimation      
## 5 Prediction      
## 6 Characterization
## 7 Pathway
  1. Function deprecation:
  1. Added Vignette

  2. We have implemented a method to provide user with informative error message using package #66. This implementation will attempt to check many potential errors and return them together (instead of default behavior of only showing the first error message.) This implementation is expected to improve usability and efficiency.

  3. New functions

Bug fixes:

OHDSI/ROhdsiWebApi documentation built on March 15, 2023, 1:23 p.m.