
#' oefenwebTools: A package that contains functionality related to Oefenweb
#' The oefenwebTools package provides functionality related to Oefenweb tools. It
#' contains for example a function called "getItems" which can be used to retrieve
#' items from item database with attached tags.
#' @section getItems function: The oefenwebTools package contains the function
#' getItems which can be used to obtain items from the Oefenweb item database,
#' attached tags to the items if available and to remove any JSON format in order to
#' make item questions and answers readable. The only input variables for the getItems
#' function are the domain id and status of items (optionally with default status = 1 (active))
#' @section convertRating function: Function to insert either a "normal" theta user domain
#' rating, a transformed rating or a Q-score. The input rating is converted into all three
#' different ratings and printed to the console.
#' @section Progressor function: Function to track progress of a for loop.
#' @section lintrProfile function: Function to lint R scripts with Oefenweb default lintr options.
#' @section createDir function: Function to create directory on hard disk if it does not exist.
#' @section UpperCase function: Capitalizes all first letters of a word in a strings (or verctor of strings).
#' @section ExtractDigits function: Extracts digits from string.
#' @docType package
#' @name oefenwebTools
Oefenweb/r-tools documentation built on Dec. 1, 2019, 4:31 a.m.