  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"
plot_epid <- diyar:::plot_epid
date <- function(x) as.Date(x, "%d/%m/%Y")
dttm <- function(x) as.POSIXct(x, "UTC", format="%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")


In epidemiological analyses, an exact distinction between temporal events is not always possible. Thus, static but reasonable cut-offs are used to distinguish between events. This is an important aspect of most case definitions. For example, you may want to distinguish between repeat positive infection results. Another example is to distinguish between single-pathogen infections and co-infections.

episodes() provide a convenient but flexible way of doing this. It links events into a temporal sequence, which can you can duplicate or use for in a sub-analysis.

episode_group(), fixed_episodes() and rolling_episodes() are wrapper functions of episodes(). They exist to support code from earlier versions of diyar (< v0.2.0). Please consider using episodes() moving forward.


These functions can process a variety of case definitions. See examples below.


An episode as produced by episodes() is a set of events (dated records) within a specified period. Each episode begins with an index event and may contain duplicate or recurrent events. There are two types - "fixed" episodes that do not include periods of recurrence, and "rolling" episodes that do.


Episodes, windows, case lengths and recurrence periods

Before we begin, let's go over some terms which will pop up now and again.

In "fixed" episodes, each window forms a separate episode. Conversely, in "rolling" episodes overlapping windows merge into a larger one. This signifies that the episode is still on-going or has recurred. As a result, every event in both windows are considered part of the same "rolling" episode.

How to apply a case definition

epid objects

Firstly, let's go through what episodes look like in diyar. They are stored as epid objects (S4 object class). An epid object is an episode identifier with slots for additional information about each episode.

ds <- c("01/04/2019", "06/04/2019", "10/04/2019", "11/04/2019")
ds <- as.Date(ds, "%d/%m/%Y")
ep <- episodes(date = ds, case_length = 6, group_stats = T, data_source = c("DS1","DS1","DS3", "DS1"), episode_type = "rolling")
df <- data.frame(events = ds, data_source = c("DS1","DS1","DS3", "DS1"))
df$epid <- ep

For an epid the following information will be displayed (format.epid);

See ?episodes for further details.

to_df() transforms epid objects to data.frames.


cut-offs - case and recurrence lengths

Your first consideration should be a cut-off point to distinguish between episodes. Here, this is the case_length. A case_length of 5 means that; repeat events within 6 days (Time difference of 5 days) of the reference event are considered duplicates of the reference event. See below.


# Events
ds <- c("01/04/2019", "03/04/2019", "13/04/2019","16/04/2019", "18/04/2019")
ds <- data.frame(date= as.Date(ds, "%d/%m/%Y"))

Figure 1a: fixed episodes

# 6-day (5-day difference) episodes - fixed episodes
ds$f1 <- episodes(date = ds$date, case_length = 5, display = "none")
plot_epid(epid = ds$f1, date= ds$date, case_length = 5)
schema(ds$f1, show_labels = c("length_arrow", "length_label", "date"))

Alternatively, you can specify a cut-off range. For example, a case_length of r format(number_line(12, 16)) means that; repeat events within 13 and 17 days after the reference event are considered duplicates of the reference event. Such ranges must be created with number_line(). See the number line vignette.

Figure 1b: fixed episodes with a cut-off range

rng <- number_line(12, 16); rng
ds$f2 <- episodes(date = ds$date, case_length = rng, 
                  display = "none")
plot_epid(epid = ds$f2, date= ds$date, case_length = rng)
schema(ds$f2, show_labels = c("length_arrow", "length_label", "date"))

events before the 13th can be skipped by changing skip_if_b4_lengths to TRUE.

Figure 1c: fixed episodes where events before the the cut-off range are not skipped

ds$f3 <- episodes(date = ds$date, case_length = rng, 
                  skip_if_b4_lengths = T, display = "none")

plot_epid(epid = ds$f3, date= ds$date, case_length = rng)
schema(ds$f3, show_labels = c("length_arrow", "length_label", "date"))

Finally, you can use multiple case_lengths by supplying these as a list. For example, a case_length of list(5, number_line(15, 17)) means that; repeat events within 6 days, and within 16 and 18 days after the index event are considered duplicates.

Figure 1d: fixed episodes with multiple case_lengths

rngs <- list(5, number_line(15, 17))
ds$f4 <- episodes(date = ds$date, case_length = rngs, display = "none")

Note: case_lengths and recurrence_lengths are always calculated from the endpoint of an event. This has no practical implication when working with time points because the start and end points are the same. However, this is not the case for event period. See interval grouping for more information about this.

Reference events

Your next consideration should be the index (reference) event. It's common practice for this to be the earliest event. However, there are times when the most recent event will be more appropriate. For example, the most recent positive infection result before a patient dies. This can then be the index event. You achieve this by changing from_last to TRUE. This starts episode tracking at the most recent event and proceed backwards in time.

Figure 2: fixed episodes where episode tracking was backwards in time

ds$f4 <- episodes(date = ds$date, case_length = 5, from_last = T, display = "none")
plot_epid(epid = ds$f4, date= ds$date, case_length = 5, from_last = T)
schema(ds$f4, show_labels = c("length_arrow", "length_label", "date"))

User-defined index events

Sometimes the type of event is more relevant to determining if it's an index event. For example, determining the index infection among co-infections. Below is an example with a co-infection involving human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus (HBV) and Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MyCt).

ds2 <- data.frame(date=  as.Date(c("13/03/2020", "01/04/2020","15/08/2020",
                                   "11/12/2020", "31/12/2020"), "%d/%m/%Y"),
                  diag = c("HBV","HIV","MyCt","HBV", "MyCt"), 
                  stringsAsFactors = F)

# First, make the HIV diagnosis the index event 
ds2$user_ord <- ifelse(ds2$diag=="HIV", 1,2)

# Then track concurrent infections up to 6 months AFTER the HIV diagnosis
ds2$ep1 <- episodes(date = ds2$date, custom_sort = ds2$user_ord, data_source = ds2$diag,
                          case_length = 6, episode_unit = "months", display = "none")

# Using `data_source` populates the `epid_dataset` slot of the `epid` object. 
# This is useful when you're working with different datasets
ds2$ep1_ds <- ds2$ep1@epid_dataset

# Track preceding infections up to 6 months BEFORE the HIV diagnosis
ds2$ep2 <- episodes(date = ds2$date, custom_sort = ds2$user_ord, data_source = ds2$diag,
                          case_length = -6, episode_unit = "months", display = "none")

ds2$ep2_ds <- ds2$ep2@epid_dataset


Notice that in ep1, the HIV diagnosis and the HBV diagnosis before it are not linked. This also happens with the HIV and MyCt diagnoses in ep2. This is because episode tracking occurs in one direction of time (from_last). If required, you can track events in both directions for time i.e. before and after an index event. You can do this by supplying an applicable cut-off range e.g. number_line(-6, 6) or list(number_line(-6, 0), number_line(0, 6)). To some extent, you can also do this with the old bi_direction argument.

See examples of each approach below.

# Track preceding and concurrent infections up to 6 months BEFORE OR AFTER the HIV diagnosis

# Method 1a
# Track diagnoses 6 months AFTER the HIV diagnosis.
  # `bi_direction` then makes the function to also check 6 months BEFORE the HIV diagnosis
ds2$ep3a <- fixed_episodes(date = ds2$date, custom_sort = ds2$user_ord, case_length = 6, 
                           bi_direction = T, episode_unit = "months", display = "none")

# Method 1b
# Track diagnoses 6 months BEFORE the HIV diagnosis
  # bi_direction` then makes the function to also check 6 months AFTER the HIV diagnosis
ds2$ep3b <- fixed_episodes(date = ds2$date, custom_sort = ds2$user_ord, case_length = -6,
                           bi_direction = T, episode_unit = "months", 
                           data_source = ds2$diag, display = "none")

# Method 2a
# Track diagnoses 6 months BEFORE or AFTER the HIV diag. 
  # There's no need for `bi_direction`.
rng <- number_line(-6, 6)
ds2$ep4 <- episodes(date = ds2$date, custom_sort = ds2$user_ord, case_length = rng, 
                    episode_unit = "months", data_source = ds2$diag, display = "none")

# Method 2b
# Track diagnoses within 1-6 months AFTER the HIV diagnosis. 
  #` bi_direction` then makes the function to also check within 1-6 months BEFORE the HIV diagnosis
# Diagnoses before 2 months on either side are skipped as mentioned in the "cut-offs" section
rng2 <- number_line(1, 6)
ds2$ep5 <- fixed_episodes(date = ds2$date, custom_sort = ds2$user_ord, case_length = rng2, 
                          bi_direction = T, episode_unit = "months", display = "none")

# Method 3a
# Track diagnoses within 1-4 months AFTER the HIV diagnosis, AND 
  # between 4-6 months
  # bi_direction` then makes the function to also check 2-4, and 4-6 month BEFORE the HIV diagnosis
rngs <- list(number_line(1, 4), number_line(4, 6)) 
ds2$ep6 <- fixed_episodes(date = ds2$date, custom_sort = ds2$user_ord, case_length = rngs, 
                          bi_direction = T, episode_unit = "months", display = "none")

# Method 3b
# Track diagnoses within 2-4 and 4-6 months BEFORE OR AFTER the HIV diagnosis
  # There's no need for `bi_direction`.
rngs2 <- c(rngs, lapply(rngs, invert_number_line))
ds2$ep7 <- episodes(date = ds2$date, custom_sort = ds2$user_ord, case_length = rngs2, 
                    episode_unit = "months", display = "none")


Ties in preference for index events (custom_sort values) will be broken with the chronological order of those events. This will either be the earliest or most recent event depending on from_last. Alternatively, you can break such ties with extra levels of custom_sort. See ?custom_sort().

See the example below for tracking episodes using 2 and 3 levels of custom_sort.

dbf <- infections[c("date", "infection")]

# 3 levels: "UTI" > "BSI" > "RTI"
dbf$c_sort1 <- ifelse(dbf$infection == "UTI", 1, ifelse(dbf$infection == "BSI", 2, 3))
# 2 levels: "UTI" > ("BSI" OR "RTI")
dbf$c_sort2 <- ifelse(dbf$infection == "UTI", 1, 2)
# 2 levels: "BSI" > ("UTI" OR "RTI")
dbf$c_sort3 <- ifelse(dbf$infection == "BSI", 1, 2)

dbf$ep_1 <- episodes(date = dbf$date, case_length = 15, data_source = dbf$infection, 
                     custom_sort = dbf$c_sort1, display = "none")

dbf$ep_2 <- episodes(date = dbf$date, case_length = 15, data_source = dbf$infection, 
                     custom_sort = dbf$c_sort2, display = "none")

dbf$ep_3 <- episodes(date = dbf$date, case_length = 15, data_source = dbf$infection,
                     custom_sort = dbf$c_sort3, display = "none")


custom_sort() is convenience function for nested sorting. This will help you merge custom_sort orders into one atomic vector. See the examples below.

dbf$uti <- ifelse(dbf$infection == "UTI", 1, 2)
dbf$bsi <- ifelse(dbf$infection == "BSI", 1, 2)
dbf$rti <- ifelse(dbf$infection == "RTI", 1, 2)

# 3 levels: "UTI" > "BSI" > "RTI"
dbf$c_sort1b <- custom_sort(dbf$uti, dbf$bsi, dbf$rti)

dbf$ep_1b <- episodes(date = dbf$date, 
                      case_length = 15, 
                      data_source = dbf$infection, 
                      custom_sort = dbf$c_sort1b, 
                      display = "none")

# Same results
dbf[c("ep_1", "ep_1b")]

Recurrent events and periods of recurrence

Some case definition may specify that events recur ("rolling" episodes). For example, relapses of the same infection after successful treatment. It may be important to treat this as the same episode of the initial infection. This differs from a "fixed" episode, where the relapse is handled as a separate episode.

The recurrence_length argument provides the cut-off period for recurrent events. For example, a recurrence_length of 10 means that; repeat events within 11 days of the last duplicate event (of the initial index event) are considered a recurrence of the index event.

If recurrence_length is not supplied, it's assumed to be the same as the case_length.

Figure 3a: rolling episodes

# 6-day (5-day difference) episodes with 11-days recurrence periods - rolling episodes
ds$r1 <- episodes(date = ds$date, 
                  case_length = 5, 
                  recurrence_length = 10, 
                  episode_type = "rolling",
                  display = "none")

plot_epid(epid = ds$r1, date= ds$date, case_length = 5, recurrence_length = 10)
schema(ds$r1, show_labels = c("length_arrow", "length_label", "date"))

Similarly, for recurrence_length, you can use a cut-off range. For example, a recurrence_length of r format(number_line(13, 15)) means that; repeat events between 14 and 16 days after the last duplicate event are considered a recurrence of the index event.

Figure 3b: rolling episodes with a cut-off range

rng <- number_line(13, 15); rng
ds$r2 <- episodes(date = ds$date, case_length = 5, 
                  recurrence_length = rng, 
                  episode_type = "rolling",
                  display = "none")

plot_epid(epid = ds$r2, date= ds$date, case_length = 5, recurrence_length = rng)
schema(ds$r2, show_labels = c("length_arrow", "length_label", "date"))

You can skip events before the 14th by changing skip_if_b4_lengths to TRUE.

Figure 3c: rolling episodes where events before the the cut-off range are not skipped

rng <- number_line(13, 15); rng
ds$r3 <- episodes(date = ds$date, case_length = 5, 
                  recurrence_length = rng, 
                  skip_if_b4_lengths = F, 
                  episode_type = "rolling",
                  display = "none")

plot_epid(epid = ds$r3, date= ds$date, case_length = 5, recurrence_length = rng)
schema(ds$r3, show_labels = c("length_arrow", "length_label", "date"))

As with case_length, you can supply multiple recurrence_lengths as a list.

Figure 3d: rolling episodes with multiple recurrence_lengths

rngs <- list(number_line(13, 14), number_line(15,18)); rngs
ds$r4 <- episodes(date = ds$date, case_length = 5, 
                  recurrence_length = rngs, 
                  skip_if_b4_lengths = F,
                  episode_type = "rolling", 
                  display = "none")


Index events for periods of recurrence

Each "rolling" episode has at least two index-events. one for the whole episode and one for each period of recurrence. By default, the last event of the previous window is the index event for the next period of recurrence. Changing reference_event to FALSE, specifies that the first event in the previous window is used. See a demonstration of this below.

If the case_length is the same the recurrence_length and you'll create a "fixed" episode.

df <- c("01/04/2019", "11/04/2019", "16/04/2019","21/04/2019", "07/05/2019")
df <- data.frame(date= as.Date(df, "%d/%m/%Y"))

# 15-day fixed episodes are the same as 15-day rolling episodes where `reference_event` is FALSE
df$f1 <- episodes(date = df$date, 
                  case_length = 14, 
                  display = "none")

df$r1 <- episodes(date = df$date, case_length = 14, 
                  reference_event = F,
                  episode_type = "rolling",
                  display = "none")


Figure 4a: Last event in a window taken as the reference event for the next recurrence window (default)

df$r2 <- episodes(date = df$date, case_length = 14, 
                  recurrence_length = 16, 
                  episode_type = "rolling",
                  display = "none")

plot_epid(epid = df$r2, date = df$date, case_length =14, recurrence_length = 16)
schema(df$r2, show_labels = c("length_arrow", "length_label", "date"))

Figure 4b: First event in a window taken as the reference event for the next recurrence window

df$r3 <- episodes(date = df$date, case_length = 14, 
                  recurrence_length = 16, 
                  reference_event = F, 
                  episode_type = "rolling",
                  display = "none")

plot_epid(epid = df$r3, date = df$date, case_length =14, recurrence_length = 16)
schema(df$r3, show_labels = c("length_arrow", "length_label", "date"))

Case windows for both case and recurrent events

You can use the case_for_recurrence argument to specify that both case and recurrence events should have a case window. The default behaviour is that only case events have a case window. See a demonstration of this below.

The wind_id slot shows the window of every event, while wind_nm shows what type of window it is.

Example 1

df <- c("01/04/2019", "11/04/2019", "16/04/2019","21/04/2019","25/04/2019", "07/05/2019")
df <- data.frame(date= as.Date(df, "%d/%m/%Y"))

Figure 5a: Case windows for case events only (default)

df$r4 <- episodes(date = df$date, 
                  case_length = 10, 
                  episode_type = "rolling",
                  display = "none")

plot_epid(epid = df$r4, date = df$date, case_length =10, recurrence_length = 10)
schema(df$r4, show_labels = c("length_arrow", "length_label", "date"))

Figure 5b: Case windows for case and recurrence events

df$r5 <- episodes(date = df$date, case_length = 10, 
                  episode_type = "rolling",
                  case_for_recurrence = T,
                  display = "none")

plot_epid(epid = df$r5, date = df$date, case_length =10, recurrence_length = 10)
schema(df$r5, show_labels = c("length_arrow", "length_label", "date"))

Example 2

date <-  seq.Date(as.Date("01/04/2019", "%d/%m/%Y"), 
                  by="3 day")
# Example 2
df2 <- data.frame(date = date, sn = 1:length(date))
# dates

Figure 5c: Case windows for case events only (default)

df2$r1 <- episodes(date = df2$date, case_length = 6, 
                   recurrence_length = 4, sn=df2$sn, 
                   episode_type = "rolling",
                   display = "none")

plot_epid(epid = df2$r1, date = df2$date, case_length =6, recurrence_length = 4)
schema(df2$r1, show_labels = c("length_arrow", "length_label", "date"))

Figure 5d: Case windows for case and recurrence events

df2$r2 <- episodes(date = df2$date, case_length = 6, 
                   recurrence_length = 4, case_for_recurrence = T, 
                   sn=df2$sn, episode_type = "rolling",
                   display = "none")

plot_epid(epid = df2$r2, date = df2$date, case_length =6, recurrence_length = 4)
schema(df2$r2, show_labels = c("length_arrow", "length_label", "date"))

Notice that in the 4 examples, all events have been assigned to the same episode but the number of recurrent events differs.

Number of recurrence periods and episodes

Some case definitions may only need you to track the first n-number of episodes or specify that they only recur n-number of times. You can incorporate these requirements into your analyses using episodes_max and rolls_max respectively. When each strata (see stratified episode tracking) of the dataset has the maximum number of episodes as specified by episodes_max, subsequent events are skipped. The default option for episodes_max is Inf i.e. continue episode tracking until every event is linked to an episode. See the examples below.

dbs <- infections_3[c("pid","date")]; 
# dates

Figure 6a: Maximum of one fixed episode per strata

dbs$eps_1 <- episodes(strata = dbs$pid, 
                      date = dbs$date, 
                      case_length = 3, 
                      episodes_max = 1, 
                      display = "none")

plot_epid(epid = dbs$eps_1, date = dbs$date, case_length =3)
schema(dbs$eps_1, show_labels = c("length_arrow", "length_label", "date"))

Figure 6b: Maximum of two fixed episodes per strata

dbs$eps_2 <- episodes(strata = dbs$pid, 
                      date = dbs$date, 
                      case_length = 3, 
                      episodes_max = 2, 
                      display = "none")

plot_epid(epid = dbs$eps_2, date = dbs$date, case_length = 3)
schema(dbs$eps_2, show_labels = c("length_arrow", "length_label", "date"))

rolls_max is the maximum number of times an event can recur. This is when a "rolling" episode ends. A new one will only begin if the number of episodes in that strata is less than episode_max. The default option for rolls_max is Inf i.e. continue tracking recurrent events until there are no more events within the recurrence period of the reference event. See the examples below.

Figure 6c: Infinite recurrence periods per episode per strata (default)

dbs$eps_4 <- episodes(strata = dbs$pid, 
                      date = dbs$date, 
                      case_length = 2, 
                      episode_type = "rolling", 
                      display = "none")

plot_epid(epid = dbs$eps_4, date = dbs$date, case_length =2, recurrence_length = 2)
schema(dbs$eps_4, show_labels = c("length_arrow", "length_label", "date"))

Figure 6d: Maximum of one recurrence period per episode per strata

dbs$eps_6 <- episodes(strata = dbs$pid, 
                      date = dbs$date, 
                      case_length = 2, 
                      episode_type = "rolling", 
                      rolls_max = 1, 
                      display = "none")

plot_epid(epid = dbs$eps_6, date = dbs$date, case_length =2, recurrence_length = 2)
schema(dbs$eps_6, show_labels = c("length_arrow", "length_label", "date"))

Note that after tracking the last recurrent event, the function will also check for duplicates within the case window of the last recurrent event. See below.

Figure 6e: Maximum of one recurrence period per episode per strata when case_for_recurrence is TRUE

dbs$eps_7 <- episodes(strata = dbs$pid, 
                      date = dbs$date, 
                      case_length = 2, 
                      episode_type = "rolling", 
                      rolls_max = 1, 
                      case_for_recurrence = T, 
                      display = "none")

plot_epid(epid = dbs$eps_7, date = dbs$date, case_length =2, recurrence_length = 2)
schema(dbs$eps_7, show_labels = c("length_arrow", "length_label", "date"))

Interval grouping

Some case definitions can involve events that occur over a defined period e.g. hospital admissions. episodes() can track such event periods into episodes. This type of episode tracking is recommended when the endpoint of an event is known. For instance, it's near impossible to know the exact point in time an individual diagnosed with the common cold recovers however, it's a reasonable assumption that another diagnosis 3 months after the initial one is not the same infection. For situations like this, the recommended approach is to use the methods we've covered so far. In contrast, hospital admissions typically have recorded admission and discharge times or dates, and so interval grouping is recommended for tracking such events. This being said, in several situations both approaches can be used interchangeably. See below.

# Dates
dates <- seq(as.Date("01/04/2019", "%d/%M/%Y"), as.Date("20/04/2019", "%d/%M/%Y"), "4 days")

# Periods 
periods <- number_line(dates, dates + 4)


# Track fixed episodes from events with a 5 day cut-off 
mth1 <- episodes(date = dates, case_length = 4, display = "none")

# Track fixed episodes from periods that are 5 days long 
mth2 <- episodes(date = periods, case_length = 0, display = "none")

# Same results
mth1; mth2

# Track rolling episodes from events using a 5 day cut-off 
mth3 <- episodes(date = dates, case_length = 4, 
                 episode_type = "rolling", display = "none")

# Track rolling episode from periods that are 5 days long 
mth4 <- episodes(date = periods, case_length = 0, 
                 episode_type = "rolling", display = "none")

# Same results
mth3; mth4

As mentioned earlier, case_length and recurrence_lengths are calculated from the endpoints of events period. Therefore, a case_length of 5 is actually the period within 6 days (day difference of 5) of the endpoint. See examples of this below.

event_period <- number_line(as.Date("01/04/2019", "%d/%m/%Y"), 
                            as.Date("10/04/2019", "%d/%m/%Y"))

# Case_length of 5 translates to;
epid_windows(event_period, 5)

# Case_length of 0 translates to;
epid_windows(event_period, 0)

# Case_length of -1 translates to;
epid_windows(event_period, -1)

# Case_length of -5 translates to;
epid_windows(event_period, -5)

# Case_length of `index_window(x)` translates to;
epid_windows(event_period, index_window(event_period))

In interval grouping, event_period that overlap with the index event period are linked together as an episode.

hos_admin <- diyar::hospital_admissions
hos_admin$admin_period <- number_line(hos_admin$admin_dt, hos_admin$discharge_dt)

# Hospital stay

Figure 7a: Tracking periods of hospital stay (admission -> discharge)

hs_epids_a <- episodes(date = hos_admin$admin_period, 
                       case_length = list(0, index_window(hos_admin$admin_period)), 
                       group_stats = T, display = "none")
plot_epid(epid = hs_epids_a, date = hos_admin$admin_period, case_length = 0)
schema(hs_epids_a, show_labels = c("length_arrow", "length_label", "date"))

Figure 7b: Tracking periods of hospital stay up to 20 days after the first discharge

hs_epids_b <- episodes(date=hos_admin$admin_period, 
                       list(20, index_window(hos_admin$admin_period)), 
                       group_stats = T, display = "none")
plot_epid(epid = hs_epids_b, date = hos_admin$admin_period, case_length = 20)
schema(hs_epids_b, show_labels = c("length_arrow", "length_label", "date"))

Figure 7c: Tracking periods of continuous hospital stay i.e. re-admission within 15 days

hs_epids_c <- episodes(date=hos_admin$admin_period, 
                       case_length = list(0, index_window(hos_admin$admin_period)), 
                       recurrence_length = list(15, index_window(hos_admin$admin_period)),
                       episode_type = "rolling",  
                       group_stats = T, display = "none")
plot_epid(epid = hs_epids_c, date = hos_admin$admin_period, case_length = 0, recurrence_length = 15)
schema(hs_epids_c, show_labels = c("length_arrow", "length_label", "date"))

There are 7 ways event periods can overlap (case_overlap_methods/recurrence_overlap_methods). These are "exact", "reverse", "across", "inbetween", "chain", "aligns_start" and "aligns_end". These are covered in more detail in an accompanying vignette. You can specify that only event periods which overlap in a certain way should be linked as episodes. See below for a demonstration of this.

The 7 overlap_methods are mutually exclusive.

There are 2 convenience methods - "none" and "overlap". These are mutually inclusive with the others, and so are prioritised.

epi_grp_func <- function(x){
  epids <- episodes(date=hos_admin$admin_period, 
                    case_length = index_window(hos_admin$admin_period), 
                    case_overlap_methods = x,
                    group_stats = T, 
                    display = "none")

  # for this demonstration, limit to overlapped periods    

# Methods 
methods <- list(
  # Identical intervals
  exact = "exact",
  # Overlapping intervals
  across= "across",
  # Intervals with aligned start points
  aligns_start = "aligns_start",
  # Intervals with aligned endpoints
  aligns_end = "aligns_end",
  # Chained intervals
  chain = "chain",
  # Intervals occurring completely within others
  inbetween = "inbetween",
  # Chained intervals and those occurring completely within others
  cb1 = "chain|inbetween",
  # Chained intervals, identical intervals and those occurring completely within others
  cb2 = "exact|chain|inbetween",
  # Chained intervals, overlapping intervals and those with aligned endpoint
  cb3 = "across|chain|aligns_end"

epids <- lapply(methods, epi_grp_func)
names(epids) <- names(methods)

# Results


Only showing events that have been linked as episodes

Figure 8a: Episodes when considering only "exact" overlap method

eps <- epids[["exact"]]
plot_epid(epid = eps, 
          date = hos_admin$admin_period[eps@sn], 
          case_length = number_line(-hos_admin$admin_period@.Data[eps@sn],
schema(epids[["exact"]], show_labels = c("length_arrow", "length_label", "date"))

Figure 8b: Episodes when considering only "chain" overlap method

eps <- epids[["chain"]]
plot_epid(epid = eps, date = hos_admin$admin_period[eps@sn], 
          case_length = number_line(-hos_admin$admin_period@.Data[eps@sn],
schema(epids[["chain"]], show_labels = c("length_arrow", "length_label", "date"))

Figure 8c: Episodes when considering "chain" or "inbetween" overlap method

eps <- epids[["cb1"]]
plot_epid(epid = eps, date = hos_admin$admin_period[eps@sn], 
          case_length = number_line(-hos_admin$admin_period@.Data[eps@sn],
schema(epids[["cb1"]], show_labels = c("length_arrow", "length_label", "date"))

By default, overlap_methods is a record-level argument. This means that the option that'll be used is that of each event (record). See below.

x <- c(number_line(1, 5), number_line(1, 5), number_line(2, 3), 1)
m <- c("aligns_start", "exact", "inbetween", "aligns_start")
dfe <- data.frame(x = x, m = m, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
dfe$eps_1 <- episodes(date = dfe$x, 
                      case_length = index_window(dfe$x), 
                      case_overlap_methods = dfe$m)

However, you can use it as an episode-level argument. This means that the option that'll be used is that of the index event. Finally, you can use it as both a record-level and episode-level argument. You do these by supplying overlap_methods as a named list - r for record-level, e for record-level or b for both. See below.

dfe$eps_2 <- episodes(date = dfe$x, case_length = index_window(dfe$x), case_overlap_methods = list(e = dfe$m))
dfe$eps_3 <- episodes(date = dfe$x, case_length = index_window(dfe$x), case_overlap_methods = list(b = dfe$m))

Case and recurrence lengths in interval grouping

pa <- c("28/03/2019", "01/04/2019", "03/04/2019", "07/04/2019","12/04/2019")
pz <- c("31/03/2019", "10/04/2019", "05/04/2019", "09/04/2019","13/04/2019")

pa <- as.Date(pa, "%d/%m/%Y")
pz <- as.Date(pz, "%d/%m/%Y")

periods <- number_line(pa, pz)

As seen earlier, a positive "length" means that; event periods within n-days AFTER the end_point() of the index event period will be linked to the same episode. See another example below.

Figure 9a: Fixed episodes with a case_length of 6

eps_a <- episodes(date = periods, 
                  case_length = 6, 
                  group_stats = T, 
                  display = "none")
plot_epid(epid = eps_a, date = periods, case_length = 6)
schema(eps_a, show_labels = c("length_arrow", "length_label", "date"))

In contrast, a negative "length" means that; only event periods within n-days BEFORE the end_point() of the index event period will be linked to the same episode.

Figure 9b: Fixed episodes with a case_length of -2

eps_b <- episodes(date = periods, 
                  case_length = -2, 
                  group_stats = T, 
                  display = "none")
plot_epid(epid = eps_b, date = periods, case_length = -2)
schema(eps_b, show_labels = c("length_arrow", "length_label", "date"))

To include those that overlap with the index event itself, supply the corresponding case_length or recurrence_lenght. index_window() is handy for doing this. You can also achieve this with the old include_index_period argument. See below.

Figure 9c: Fixed episodes with a case_length of -2

eps_c <- episodes(date = periods, 
                   case_length = list(-2, index_window(periods)), 
                   group_stats = T, 
                  display = "none")

plot_epid(epid = eps_c, date = periods, case_length = -2)
schema(eps_c, show_labels = c("length_arrow", "length_label", "date"))

Figure 9d: Fixed episodes with a case_length of -6

eps_d <- episodes(date = periods, case_length =-6,
                  group_stats = T, display = "none")

plot_epid(epid = eps_d, date = periods, case_length = -6)
schema(eps_d, show_labels = c("length_arrow", "length_label", "date"))

Stratified episode tracking

You'll usually want to track episodes separately within different groups (strata). For example patients, pathogens, sources of infection or any combination of these. This results in episodes from one strata being different from others.

episodes from different strata can have different case_lengths and/or recurrence_lengths.

links() is useful for creating group identifiers which can then be used as a strata. See the links vignette for further details.

As an example, using the infections dataset, a case definition may specify the following;

By adding the infection column to the strata argument, "UTI" and "BSI" diagnoses will not be linked to the same episode. Furthermore, the case_length and recurrence_length for each will be different as specified in the epi and recur columns respectively.

dbs <- diyar::infections[c("date","infection")]
dbs <- dbs[dbs$infection%in% c("UTI","BSI"),]
dbs$epi <- ifelse(dbs$infection=="UTI", 7, 14)
dbs$recur <- ifelse(dbs$infection=="UTI", 30, 0)

dbs$epids <- episodes(date = dbs$date, case_length = dbs$epi, 
                      episode_type = "rolling",
                      strata = dbs$infection, 
                      recurrence_length = dbs$recur, 
                      group_stats = TRUE, display = "none")



Sub-strata is when events within the same strata have different cut-offs. The case definition below demonstrates how this can be beneficial.

In this example, whether the infection is treated should be viewed as the sub-strata i.e. in a patient (strata), an episode is expected to last longer if it's not treated.

dbs <- diyar::infections_4

dbs$epids <- episodes(strata= paste(dbs$pid, dbs$organism, dbs$source), 
                      date= dbs$date,
                      case_length = dbs$epi, 
                      episode_type = "rolling", 
                      recurrence_length = dbs$recur, 
                      display = "none")


There are a few things to note with stratified episode tracking;

Cut down your processing time

Some case definitions are so specific that they only cover certain kinds of episodes. In such situations, you can save time by skipping events from episodes that you won't need. There are 3 ways to skip such events.

Skipped events are assigned unique episode IDs and are flagged as "Skipped".

Skip subsets of the dataset

You can skip an entire strata of the dataset by changing it to NA. Assuming you are not interested in tracking "GP1" and "GP2" records, you can skip these to save time.

dbs <- head(hourly_data[c("datetime","category")], 10)
dbs$subset <- ifelse(dbs$category!="GP3", NA, "group")

# To skip OR
dbs$epids_a <- episodes(strata= dbs$subset, 
                        date = dbs$datetime, 
                        case_length = 5, 
                        episode_unit = "hours", 
                        recurrence_length = 9, 
                        episode_type = "rolling",
                        display = "none")
#   OR

# Not to skip
dbs$epids_b <- episodes(strata= dbs$category, 
                        date = dbs$datetime, 
                        case_length = 5, 
                        episode_unit = "hours", 
                        recurrence_length = 9, 
                        episode_type = "rolling", 
                        display = "none")

Skip the nth order (skip order) of custom sort

You can skip episodes when there are different levels of custom_sort. A skip_order of 1 means that; after every event with the first level of your custom_sort has been linked to episodes, the tracking process will end.

This is handy when you're tracking episodes from rare and common events, the rare events are the index events and it's a hassle to subset the dataset.

dbf <- dbf[c("date", "infection")]
dbf$c_sort <- ifelse(dbf$infection == "UTI", 1, ifelse(dbf$infection == "BSI", 2, 3))

# Skip episodes that would begin with BSI/UTI records
dbf$ep_a <- episodes(date = dbf$date, case_length = 15, 
                     data_source = dbf$infection, 
                     custom_sort = dbf$c_sort, 
                     skip_order = 1, display = "none")
dbf$ep_a_d <- dbf$ep_a@epid_dataset

# Don't skip any episodes
dbf$ep_b <- episodes(date = dbf$date, case_length = 15, 
                    data_source = dbf$infection, 
                    custom_sort = dbf$c_sort, 
                    display = "none")
dbf$ep_b_d <- dbf$ep_b@epid_dataset


Notice that in the skipped example (ep_a), no episode begins with either a "BSI" or "RTI" record.

Skip episodes without records from certain data sources

The third mechanism is partly a misnomer. episodes that do not contain records from certain data_sources are unlinked not skipped. A strata without the required combination of data_sources will be skipped.

dttm <- function(x) as.POSIXct(x, "UTC", nformat="%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")
dbg <- data.frame(date = seq.POSIXt(dttm("01/04/2018 00:00:00"), dttm("31/05/2018 00:00:00"),
                                    by = "3 days"))
dbg <- head(dbg, 11)
dbg$recurrence <- 2
dbg$case_len <- 6
dbg$dataset <- paste("DS",c(1:3, rep(c(1:2),2), rep(3,4)), sep="")

# Don't skip any
dbg$ep_a <- episodes(date = dbg$date,
                     case_length = dbg$case_len, 
                     episode_type ="rolling", 
                     recurrence_length = dbg$recurrence, 
                     data_source = dbg$dataset, 
                     display = "none")

# Breakup episodes without events from the `DS3` `data_source` 
  # The `DS3` event MUST BE linked to events from other `data_sources`  
dbg$ep_b <- episodes(date = dbg$date, 
                     case_length = dbg$case_len, 
                     episode_type ="rolling", 
                     recurrence_length = dbg$recurrence, 
                     data_source = dbg$dataset, 
                     data_links = "DS3", 
                     display = "none")

# Breakup episodes without events from the `DS3` `data_source` 
  # The `DS3` event DOESN'T HAVE to be linked to events from other `data_sources`   
dbg$ep_c <- episodes(date = dbg$date, 
                     case_length = dbg$case_len, 
                     episode_type ="rolling",
                     recurrence_length = dbg$recurrence, 
                     data_source = dbg$dataset, 
                     data_links = list(g="DS3"), 
                     display = "none")

# Breakup episodes without events from the `DS3` `data_source` 
  # The `DS3` event MUST BE linked to events from the `DS1` `data_source`
dbg$ep_d <- episodes(date = dbg$date, case_length = dbg$case_len, 
                     episode_type ="rolling", recurrence_length = dbg$recurrence, 
                     data_source = dbg$dataset, data_links = list(l=c("DS3","DS1")), 
                     display = "none")

dbg[c("date", "dataset", "ep_a", "ep_b", "ep_c", "ep_d")]


Tracking episodes in other units of time

episodes can be tracked in other units of time (episode_unit). Acceptable options are "seconds", "minutes", "hours", "days", "weeks", "months" or "years". Below is an example of tracking episodes by the hour.

dbs <- diyar::hourly_data

# Each unit is relative to a predefined number of seconds. 

# 1-day fixed episodes
episodes(date = dbs$datetime, 
         case_length = 1, 
         episode_unit = "days", 
         group_stats = TRUE, 
         display = "none")

# 5-hr fixed episodes
episodes(date = dbs$datetime, 
         case_length = 5, 
         episode_unit = "hours", 
         group_stats = TRUE,
         display = "none")

# 5-hr rolling episodes
episodes(date = dbs$datetime, 
         case_length = 5, 
         episode_unit = "hours", 
         group_stats = TRUE, 
         episode_type = "rolling",
         display = "none")

Use a strata from links()

You can used pid objects from links() as a strata.

dbs <- diyar::infections[c("date", "infection")]; dbs

# familiar unique record ids for easy reference - optional
dbs$rd_id <- c(640,17,58,21,130,79,45,300,40,13,31)

# `strata` based on matching sources of infection
dbs$pids <- links(sn = dbs$rd_id,  
                  criteria = dbs$infection, 
                  display = "none")

# stratified episode tracking 
dbs$epids <- episodes(sn = dbs$rd_id, date = dbs$date, 
                      strata = dbs$pids, case_length = 10, 
                      display = "none")


Use numeric values for the date argument

You use numeric values instead of date or datetime values for the date argument. For instance, if you use 0-2, it does not matter what they represent i.e. the number of days from a particular date or number of seconds from a particular time. It only matters that 0 is before 1, which in turn is before 2. When using the function this way, episode_unit is ignored.

vals <- c(8.1,6,12,8.5,12,3,8,15,5,7)


episodes(date = vals, case_length = .5, group_stats = T, display = "none")

episodes(date = vals, case_length = 5, group_stats = T, display = "none")

episodes(date = vals, case_length = 100, group_stats = T, display = "none")

Infinite and missing case_lengths or recurrence_lengths

You can incorporate missing and infinite cut-offs into your analyses. Events with missing cut-off will not be used as an index event however, they can be tagged as a duplicate of another index event. Index events with an infinite cut-off will be linked to every other event in its strata.

vals <- 1:10
episodes(date = vals, case_length = Inf, display = "none")

episodes(date = vals, case_length = NA_real_, display = "none")


There are a variety of ways to use episodes(). In general, the following steps can serve as a quick guide on what to do;

  1. Work out the strata in your dataset.
  2. Choose and specify whether you need "fixed" or "rolling" episodes.
  3. Choose and specify whether you are tracking individual events or periods of events. See interval grouping.
  4. Choose and specify the required case_length, and/or recurrence_length. The values should be unique to each strata unless you require a sub-strata.
  5. Change from_last to TRUE if you want the index event to be the earliest or most recent event.
  6. If you need the index event to be the earliest or most recent event of a particular type of event, use custom_sort in combination with from_last. See user-defined index events
  7. Determine if you are tracking episodes by the minute, hour or day e.t.c., and set episode_unit accordingly. Be sure to supply a datetime to the date argument if episode_unit is less than "days".

These functions should prove useful for epidemiological analyses. However, it's can also be useful for analyses in any field where the aim is to track events into temporal groups.

OlisaNsonwu/diyar documentation built on April 22, 2024, 6:27 p.m.