Man pages for OmaymaS/yelpr

business_lookup_idSearch businesses on yelp by id
business_match_namematch business data from other sources against businesses on...
business_searchsearch businesse on yelp
business_search_autocompletereturn autocomplete suggestions for search keywords,...
business_search_phoneReturn a list of businesses on yelp based on the provided...
business_search_reviewreturn up to three review excerpts for a given business...
business_search_transactionreturn a list of businesses which support food delivery...
event_lookup_idreturn the detailed information of a Yelp event
event_searchreturn events based on the provided search criteria
event_search_featuredreturn the featured event for a given location
prepare_headerprepare header by appending "Bearer" to the api_key
OmaymaS/yelpr documentation built on May 15, 2019, 3:24 p.m.