Kernel: Kernel

KernelR Documentation



Inheriting from Argument() in order to represent a 2-dimensional array of weights applied to the x and y (spatial) dimensions of the data cube. The inner level of the nested array is aligned to the x-axis and the outer level is aligned to the y-axis. Each level of the kernel must have an uneven number of elements.


Object of R6Class() representing a Kernel.

See Also

Array(), Integer(), EPSGCode(), String(), Number(), Date(), RasterCube(), VectorCube(), ProcessGraphArgument(), ProcessGraphParameter(), OutputFormatOptions(), GeoJson(), Boolean(), DateTime(), Time(), BoundingBox(), Kernel(), TemporalInterval(), TemporalIntervals(), CollectionId(), OutputFormat(), AnyOf(), ProjDefinition(), UdfCodeArgument(), UdfRuntimeArgument() and UdfRuntimeVersionArgument(),TemporalIntervals(), MetadataFilter()

Open-EO/openeo-r-client documentation built on Feb. 21, 2024, 12:20 p.m.