knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", dpi = 300, fig.align = "center", out.width = "100%", fig.height = 6, fig.width = 8, fig.showtext = TRUE )
The following vignette aims at documenting and illustrating workflows for producing PK ratio plots using the tlf
This vignette focuses PK ratio plots examples. Detailed documentation on typical tlf
workflow, use of AgregationSummary
, DataMapping
, PlotConfiguration
, and Theme
can be found in vignette("tlf-workflow")
The data showed in the sequel is available at the following path: system.file("extdata", "test-data.csv", package = "tlf")
In the code below, the data is loaded and assigned to pkRatioData
# Load example pkRatioData <- read.csv( system.file("extdata", "test-data.csv", package = "tlf"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) # pkRatioData knitr::kable(utils::head(pkRatioData), digits = 2)
A list of information about pkRatioData
can be provided through metaData
# Load example pkRatioMetaData <- list( Age = list( dimension = "Age", unit = "yrs" ), Obs = list( dimension = "Clearance", unit = "dL/h/kg" ), Pred = list( dimension = "Clearance", unit = "dL/h/kg" ), Ratio = list( dimension = "Ratio", unit = "" ) )
knitr::kable(data.frame( Variable = c("Age", "Obs", "Pred", "Ratio"), Dimension = c("Age", "Clearance", "Clearance", "Ratio"), Unit = c("yrs", "dL/h/kg", "dL/h/kg", "") ))
The function plotting PK ratios is: plotPKRatio()
Basic documentation of the function can be found using: ?plotPKRatio
The typical usage of this function is: plotPKRatio(data, metaData = NULL, dataMapping = NULL, plotConfiguration = NULL)
The output of the function is a ggplot
It can be seen from this usage that only data
is a necessary input.
Default set ups are used for metaData
, dataMapping
and plotConfiguration
within the call of plotPKRatio
For instance, if dataMapping
is not provided, smart mapping will check if data contains "x"
and "y"
If the data
has only two columns not named "x"
and "y"
, it will assume the first one should be plot in x-axis and the second in y-axis.
Then, PKRatioPlotConfiguration
is initialized if not provided, defining a standard configuration with PK Ratio Plot
as title, the current date as subtitle and using predefined fonts as defined by the current theme.
The minimal example can work using directly the function plotPKRatio(data = pkRatioData[, c("Age", "Ratio")])
plotPKRatio(data = pkRatioData[, c("Age", "Ratio")])
For PK ratio, the dataMapping
class PKRatioDataMapping
includes 4 fields: x
, y
, groupMapping
and lines
and y
define which variables from the data will be plotted in X- and Y-axes, groupMapping
is a class mapping which aesthetic property will split which variables, and lines
defines horizontal lines performed in PK ratio plots.
Some variables can be used to cluster the data.
To this end, PKRatioDataMapping objects include GroupMapping objects that can define how to cluster based on a variable or a data.frame.
As illustrated below, most of the time, the direct input of color
and shape
is faster to define such objects.
Consequently, the following examples are identical:
# Two-step process colorMapping <- GroupMapping$new(color = "Sex") dataMappingA <- PKRatioDataMapping$new( x = "Age", y = "Ratio", groupMapping = colorMapping ) print(dataMappingA$groupMapping$color$label) # One-step process dataMappingB <- PKRatioDataMapping$new( x = "Age", y = "Ratio", color = "Sex" ) print(dataMappingB$groupMapping$color$label)
Then, in this example, plotPKRatio
can use the groupMapping to split the data by "Gender" and associate different colors to each "Gender":
plotPKRatio( data = pkRatioData, dataMapping = dataMappingB )
Multiple groupMappings can be performed for PK ratio: data can be regrouped by color
, shape
and/or size
The next example uses 2 groups in the groupMapping:
One group splits "Gender" by color
, the other splits shape
by "Amount" and "Compound".
dataMapping2groups <- PKRatioDataMapping$new( x = "Age", y = "Ratio", color = "Sex", shape = c("Country", "AgeBin") ) plotPKRatio( data = pkRatioData, dataMapping = dataMapping2groups )
The last examples uses another feature available in the groupMapping
class. The class can be initialized using a data.frame
where the last column of the data.frame will be used to split the data. In the following example, the data.frame is the following:
groupDataFrame <- data.frame( AgeBin = rep(c("Peds", "Adults"), 6), Country = rep(rep(c("Canada", "Germany", "France"), each = 2), 2), Sex = rep(c("Male", "Female"), each = 6), Group = paste(rep(c("Young", "Old"), 6), rep(rep(c("Canadian", "German", "French"), each = 2), 2), rep(c("Males", "Females"), each = 6)) ) knitr::kable(groupDataFrame)
The dataMapping
introduced below will split the color
and shape
using the data frame.
dataMappingDF <- PKRatioDataMapping$new( x = "Age", y = "Ratio", color = groupDataFrame, shape = groupDataFrame ) plotPKRatio( data = pkRatioData[!(pkRatioData$Country %in% "France"), ], dataMapping = dataMappingDF )
In PK ratio examples, usually horizontal lines are added allowing to flag values in and out of the [0.67-1.5] as well as [0.5-2.0] ranges.
The value mapping these horizontal lines was predefined as a list: "pkRatioLine1" is 1, "pkRatioLine2" is c(0.67, 1.5) and "pkRatioLine3" is c(0.5, 2).
Consequently, for any default PKRatioDataMapping
, you have:
linesMapping <- PKRatioDataMapping$new() linesMapping$lines
Overwriting these value is possible by updating the value either when initializing the mapping or afterwards. For instance:
linesMapping <- PKRatioDataMapping$new( lines = list(pkRatio1 = 1, pkRatio2 = c(0.2, 5)), x = "Age", y = "Ratio", color = "Sex" ) plotPKRatio( data = pkRatioData, dataMapping = linesMapping )
The qualification of the PK Ratios can be performed using getPKRatioMeasure
This function return a data.frame
with the PK ratios within specific ranges.
As a default, these ranges are within 1.5 and 2 folds. However, they can be updated using the option ratioLimits =
when running the function.
# Test of getPKRatioMeasure PKRatioMeasure <- getPKRatioMeasure(data = pkRatioData[, c("Age", "Ratio")]) knitr::kable( x = PKRatioMeasure, caption = "Qualification of PK Ratios" )
To configure the plot properties, PKRatioPlotConfiguration
objects can be used.
They combine multiple features that set the plot properties.
PK ratio plot consists in lines and points.
As illustrated in the vignette related to PlotConfiguration objects and Theme, you can tune the aesthetic maps and their selections (see vignette("plot-configuration")
and vignette("theme-maker")
Colors, shapes and size of the PK ratio scatter points can be tuned in the plotConfiguration points field.
Likewise, colors, linetype and size of the PK ratio lines can be tuned in the plotConfiguration lines field.
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