pcrsim-package: Simulation of the Forensic DNA process

Description Details Author(s) References


Forensic DNA process simulator.


PCRsim is a package to simulate the forensic DNA process. The function pcrsim opens up a graphical user interface which allow the user to enter parameters required for the simulation. Once calibrated the program can potentially be used to: reduce the laboratory work needed to validate new STR kits, create samples for educational purposes, help develop methods for interpretation of DNA evidence, etc.

Areas in need of more research are better calibration and more correct scaling to peak heights over a range of input amounts. The current implementation is built to mimic the biological processes as closely as possible and are not suitable for simulation of large number of samples due to performance. A discussion of limitations and improvements are available in my thesis "Development of computer software to characterise and simulate molecular biology processes used in forensic DNA profiling assays" (ISBN 978-82-8377-319-4).


Oskar Hansson oskar.hansson@fhi.no


Gill, Peter, James Curran, and Keith Elliot. \u0022 A Graphical Simulation Model of the Entire DNA Process Associated with the Analysis of Short Tandem Repeat Loci\u0022 Nucleic Acids Research 33, no. 2 (2005): 632-643. doi:10.1093/nar/gki205.

OskarHansson/pcrsim documentation built on Jan. 22, 2022, 11:55 a.m.