Man pages for Ostluft/rOstluft
Tools for handling air quality data by Ostluft

airmo_wide_to_longConverts the wide format from the files to the long format
append_defaultAppends default_statistic drop if necessary
apply_convert_concHelper function to reduce a list of conversions parameters
bind_rows_with_factor_columnsbind rows of data frames with factors
calculate_mass_concentrationsPrepares data for stats calculations
calculate_O3_summerCalculates AOT40 and 7h mean from 9:00 - 16:00 CET from April...
calculate_statscalculates a lot of stats
calculate_statstableCalculates stats described in a table
conversion_conc_fun_factoryFactory to generate conc conversion functions
convert_concConvert between volume and mass concentrations
convert_date_seepolizeiHelper function to ensure correct string format
convert_get_RCustomize concentration conversion
convert_intervalConverts a AIRMO Zeitfenster to an interval
cut_conversion_dataCut data for conversion
cut_on_conditionCuts / splits data frame in list based on condition
cut_wind_dataCut wind data
detect_intervalDetects the interval of the data
expand_inputsAdds statistics for parameters in inputs
fill_wmeanFills (upsample) a data frame for wmean
filter_keep_listKeep matching rows
filter_remove_listRemove matching rows
format_hysplitFormat defintion for hysplit back trajectories
format_psFormat defintion for ps data with endtime instead of interval
format_rolfrOstluft long format (rolf)
gap_wrapper_functionwrapper function for maximum number of consecutive NA values
getElement2Get element or default value from Object
get_listconvert table to resample compatible list
get_seepolizeiReturns data of the Tecson meteo station placed at...
get_statistics_from_tableCreate resample compatible statistic lists
import_directoryImports directory into store
mass_to_partsConverts mass to volume concentration
meta_applyTransforms data based on an other meta table
openair_to_rolfConverts data from openair format to rolf
padPad data
pad_yearPads data data to complete years
parts_to_massConverts mass to volume concentration
pipePipe operator
pluckQuickly filter data
r6_storage_localLocal storage
r6_storage_s3s3 storage
read_airmo_csvReads an AIRMO Export in CSV Format
read_airmo_datReads an AIRMO Export in DAT Format
read_airmo_webexportReads an AIRMO Export in CSV Webexport Format
read_ethz_iacRead an IAC/ETHZ meteo station file
read_nabel_txtRead a file from Nabel
read_seepolizeiReads historic data files of the Tecson meteo station placed...
read_smnReads a file from the SwissMetNet of MeteoSwiss
read_smn_multipleReads a file from the SwissMetNet of MeteoSwiss containing...
resampleResampling data
resample_seriesresampling a serie
resample_windResamples wind data
resample_wind_siteresamples wind
rolf_to_openairConverts data from rolf format to an openair compatible...
rolf_to_openair_singleConverts one parameter in a rolf data frame to an openair...
rOstluftrOstluft: data store and utility functions for Ostluft
save_excel_csvSpeichert Datein in einer Excel kompatiblen CSV Datei
split_smnSplits a file from the SwissMetNet of MeteoSwiss containing...
statistic_funGet the biggest number of consecutive NA Values
statistic_fun_factoryFactory to generate statistical functions
statstable_defaultDefault Statstable
statstable_expandExpands compact statstable to a table with one stats per row
storesPredefined stores
tidyevalTidy eval helpers
transform_crsTransform between Coordinate Reference Systems
treshold_wrapper_functionWrapper function for minimum capture threshold
varsPass grouping definitions into functions
wmeanCalculates weighted arithmetic means of irregular data series
Ostluft/rOstluft documentation built on Feb. 6, 2024, 1:26 a.m.