county_month_birth_rate: Monthly Growth Fertility Rates (GFR) for 12 urban Oklahoma...

county_month_birth_rateR Documentation

Monthly Growth Fertility Rates (GFR) for 12 urban Oklahoma counties


Monthly Growth Fertility Rates (GFR) for 12 urban counties in Oklahoma between January 1990 and December 1999. The GFR is defined as the number of births divided by the number of females (ages 15-44), multiplied by 1,000.

There are two datasets in this package that are almost identical. The 2014 version is better suited for substantive researchers in the areas of fertility and traumatic cultural events. The 2005 version recreates the 2005 article and, therefore is better suited for the graphical aims of the 2014 manuscript.

The difference is that the 2005 version uses constant estimate for a county population –specifically the US Census 1990 estimates. The 2014 version uses different estimates for each month –specifically the US intercensal annual estimates, with linear interpolation for February through December of each year.


A data frame with 1,440 observations on the following 11 variables.


The county's 5-digit value according to the Federal Information Processing Standards. integer


The lower case name of the county. character


The year of the record, ranging from 1990 to 1999. integer


The month of the record, ranging from 1 to 12. integer


The number of females in the county, ages of 15 to 44. numeric


The number of births in a county for the given month. integer


The year and month of the record, with a date of the 15th. Centering the date within the month makes the value a little more representative and the graphs a little easier. date


The number of days in the specific month. integer


The number of days in the specific years integer


The "Stage" of the month. The pre-bombing records are "1" (accounting for 9 months of gestation); the post-bombing months are "2". integer


The Growth Fertility Rate (GFR). numeric


<<Joe, can you please finish/edit this sentence?>> The monthly birth counts were copied from county records by Ronnie Coleman during the summer of 2001 from state vital statistics records. It was collected for Rodgers, St. John, & Coleman (2005).

The US Census' intercensal estimates are used for the January values of fecund_population. Values for February-December are interpolated using approx().

The datasets were manipulated to produce this data frame by the two R files isolate-census-pops-for-gfr.R and calculate-gfr.R.


Will Beasley




# 2005 Version (see description above)
ds2005 <- county_month_birth_rate_2005_version
ggplot(ds2005, aes(x = date, y = birth_rate, color = factor(fips))) +
  geom_line() +
  labs(title="County Fertility - Longitudinal")

ggplot(ds2005, aes(x = birth_rate, color = factor(fips))) +
  geom_density() +
  labs(title="Distributions of County Fertility")

# 2014 Version (see description above)
ds2014 <- county_month_birth_rate_2014_version
ggplot(ds2014, aes(x = date, y = birth_rate, color = factor(fips))) +
  geom_line() +
  labs(title="County Fertility - Longitudinal")

ggplot(ds2014, aes(x = birth_rate, color = factor(fips))) +
  geom_density() +
  labs(title="Distributions of County Fertility")

OuhscBbmc/Wats documentation built on Sept. 15, 2024, 7:45 a.m.