This report covers the analyses used in the analysis of the survey data.

# cat("Working directory: ", getwd())
opts_knit$set(root.dir='../../')  #Don't combine this call with any other chunk -especially one that uses file paths.
# cat("Working directory: ", getwd())
report_render_start_time <- Sys.time()
  results      = 'show', 
  comment      = NA, 
  tidy         = FALSE,
  # dpi        = 400,
  # out.width  = "650px", #This affects only the markdown, not the underlying png file.  The height will be scaled appropriately.
  fig.width    = 4, 
  fig.height   = 4, 
  fig.path     = 'figure-png/'

echo_chunks    <- FALSE #Toggle for debugging.
message_chunks <- FALSE #Toggle for debugging.
options(width=100) #So the output is 25% wider than the default.
read_chunk("./analysis/survey-1/survey-1.R") #This allows knitr to call chunks tagged in the underlying *.R file.

# Put presentation-specific code in here.  It doesn't call a chunk in the codebehind file.
#   It should be rare (and used cautiously), but sometimes it makes sense to include code in Rmd 
#   that doesn't live in the codebehind R file.

Summary {.tabset .tabset-fade .tabset-pills}


  1. The current report covers r nrow(ds) responses.

Unanswered Questions

Answered Questions




Session Information

For the sake of documentation and reproducibility, the current report was rendered in the following environment. Click the line below to expand.


if( requireNamespace("devtools", quietly = TRUE) ) {
} else {

report_render_duration_in_seconds <- round(as.numeric(difftime(Sys.time(), report_render_start_time, units="secs")))

Report rendered by r["user"] at r strftime(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d, %H:%M %z") in r report_render_duration_in_seconds seconds.

OuhscBbmc/usnavy-billets documentation built on April 7, 2024, 12:32 a.m.