Man pages for OwenSims/networkR
A package for analysing social and economic networks

adjacencyDFTransform network data into a data frame adjacency matrix
adjacencyMatrixTransform network data into an adjacency matrix
affiliationEnviornmentFind the affiliation neighbourhood of each affiliation
affiliationInfluenceCalculate the influence of affiliations within a hypergraph
affiliationProjectionRepresent a hypergraph as a network of affiliations
affiliationSetList the affiliation memberships of each node
averageDegreeCalculate average node degree in network
betaMeasureGeneralised beta-measure (Gilles and van den Brink, 2000)...
blockSNEStrong Nash equilibrium (SNE) configuration of a block...
connectivityConnectivity of a network
criticalCoveragePer capita coverage of all critical sets
criticalSetsFind all critical sets in a network
degreeCalculate node degree
degreeDistributionPlot degree distribution
densityDensity of a network
elitesFind all elites in the hypergraph
externalInfluenceCalculate the external influence of affiliations
filterNetworkFilter a networks edges
hypergraphNeighbourhoodFind the neighbourhood of each node
isUndirectedQuery whether a network is undirected
middlemanPowerCalculate Middleman power for all nodes
middlemanPowerDetailProvide detailed results of middleman power fo all nodes
nodeCoverageCalculate the coverage of each node
nodeCriticalityCalculate the criticality of each node
nodeInfluenceCalculate the influence of nodes within a hypergraph
nodeNormCriticalityCalculate the normalised criticality of each node
nodeProjectionRepresent a hypergraph as a network of nodes only
nodeSetBrokerageBrokerage of a node given its presence in a node set
potentialBrokeragePotential brokerage of a network
predecessorsSuccessorsFind the predecessors and successors of a node
randomGraphGenerate a random network
robustnessCalculate the robustness of a middleman position
setBrokerageBrokerage of each node set within the network
setCoverageCalculate the coverage of all sets of nodes
setCriticalityCalculate the criticality of all node sets in Strong Nash...
setPredSuccFind the predecessors and successors of a node set
strongWeakDistinguish strong, weak, and Non-middlemen
undirectedAdjMatrixCoerce adjacency matrix to be undirected
OwenSims/networkR documentation built on May 7, 2019, 11:47 p.m.