adjust_mat_pval | adjust_mat_pval |
aggregate_count | aggregate_count |
aggregateCount | aggregateCount |
alpha_diversity | alpha_diversity |
annotated_dendrogram | annotated_dendrogram |
asv_example | Example ASV counts table |
bcdissimilarity | bcdissimilarity |
clr | clr |
compare_cor_ci | compare_cor_ci |
convert_platemap | convert_platemap |
dissimilarity | dissimilarity |
dss_example | expected abundance and annotation for zymobioimics samples |
featurebox | featurebox boxplot expression/abundance values of a... |
filter_feature | filter_feature.R |
filterFeature | filterFeature.R |
get_palette | get_palette |
getPalette | getPalette |
get_shortnames | get_shortnames return the shortnames of taxonomy labels |
getVE | getVE |
hello | Hello, World! |
metadata_sparsity | metadata_sparsity |
metfile_init | function to initiate a metadata file from dada2 db file |
nsample_by_var | nsample_by_var |
OCMSutility-package | OCMSutility: Utility functions for OCMS |
pca_by_var | pca_by_var |
pcoa_by_var | pcoa_by_var |
plot_pca | plot_pca |
plotPCA | plotPCA |
plot_pcoa | plot_pcoa |
plotPCoA | plotPCoA *[Deprecated]* This is a simple PCoA function that... |
plotSunburst | plotSunburst |
prevalence_abundance | prevalence_abundance return a list that contains a dataframe... |
rarefaction | rarefaction |
reannotate_tax | reannotate_tax |
reannotateTax | reannotateTax |
relab | relab |
remove_geom | remove_geom |
stacked_barchart | stacked_barchart stacked barchart of the top_n features in a... |
sym_mat2df | sym_mat2df |
top_taxa | top_taxa |
true_pos_rate | true_pos_rate |
truePosRate | truePosRate |
zymobiomics | expected abundance and annotation for zymobioimics samples |
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