PediHaplotyper-package: PediHaplotyper assigns haploblock alleles based on phased...

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Haploblocks are groups of tightly linked markers that inherit as a single unit. They can be considered as multi-allelic markers. PediHaplotyper assigns haploblock alleles so they can be used for e.g. QTL mapping. Citation: Voorrips RE, Bink MCAM, Kruisselbrink JW, Koehorst - van Putten HJJ, van de Weg WE (2016) PediHaplotyper: Software for consistent assignment of marker haplotypes in pedigrees. Mol Breeding (2016) 36:119. DOI 10.1007/s11032-016-0539-y


The DESCRIPTION file: This package was not yet installed at build time.
Index: This package was not yet installed at build time.
PediHaplotyper has two functions to perform the haploblock allele assignment. Function haplotyping_session is used when the input is in generic (tab-separated text file) format, while fq_haplotyping_session is used with input data in FlexQTL format. Three functions are provided to re-format the phased marker genotype data to the required format (one row per individual, two columns per marker) if necessary: transtose, twocols2tworows and tworows2twocols.


Roeland E. Voorrips [aut, cre]

Maintainer: Roeland E. Voorrips, Wageningen University & Research <>

PBR/PediHaplotyper documentation built on Feb. 3, 2021, 12:03 a.m.