condition_counts: Count the number of events/population with condition by...

condition_countsR Documentation

Count the number of events/population with condition by desired grouping


These functions count the number of acute events/people with conditions for a given grouping and calendar year. It is currently specific to the joined Medicaid/housing data sets but could be generalized to other data. Can also be made to work with other time periods, but age and other demogs would need to be recalculated in the function.


  group_var = quos(agency_new),
  age_var = NULL,
  len_var = NULL,
  event = NULL,
  event_year = event_year,
  unit = NULL,
  person = FALSE,
  birth = NULL

  df_chronic = chronic,
  df_pop = chronic_pop,
  condition = NULL,
  year = 12



A data frame containing health event/condition data.


The calendar year (2 digits) of interest.


A set of variables to group counts by. Default is PH agency. Must be set as a quosure (use quos(<group1>, <group2>)). Use age_var and len_var to add age or length of time in housing to the grouping.


Denotes the suffix to use when adding pre-calculated age fields to the grouping variables. Most likely to be '_grp'. Should be a string. Currently hard coded to attach to ageXX where XX is the year.


Denotes the suffix to use when adding pre-calculated length fields to the grouping variables. Most likely to be '_grp'. Should be a string. Currently hard coded to attach to ageXX where XX is the year.


The acute health event of interest. Should match a field name in the df.


The field that identifies which calendar year the event occurred in (acute events only).


A named variable that determines the unit to count over. Default unit of analysis is pid2 (individuals) but pid should be used with data not matched to Medicaid. The other option is hhold_id_new for households.


A binary flag to indicator whether all acute events should be counted or just one per person in the time period.


A named variable that determines which date of birth field to use when calculating age (normally dob_c or dob_h but can also use hh_dob_m6 if calculating age at the household level). Currently only needed if using a well-child indicator (could be extended to calculate age for a non-calendar year period though).


## Not run: 
popcount(pha_longitudinal, group_var = quos(agency_new, major_prog),
agency = "kcha", unit = hhold_id_new)
popcount(pha_longitudinal, yearmin = 2014, yearmax = 2016, period = "month")

## End(Not run)

PHSKC-APDE/Housing documentation built on Feb. 6, 2024, 3:27 a.m.