
# Eli Kern, PHSKC (APDE)
# 2019-10

#2022-04-26 update: Added new variables for dental coverage, and added geo_kc flag for KC residence
#2023-08-02 update: Removed use of eligibility table, thus removing bsp_group_cid and full_benefit variables
#2023-04-26 update: Modified for migration to HHSAW

### Run from master_apcd_analytic script

#### Load script ####
load_stage.apcd_elig_timevar_f <- function() {
  ### Run SQL query
  odbc::dbGetQuery(dw_inthealth, glue::glue_sql(
    --STEP 1: Use member_month_detail table to create coverage group variables
    if object_id('tempdb..#temp1') is not null drop table #temp1;
      convert(date, cast(year_month as varchar(200)) + '01') as from_date,
      dateadd(day, -1, dateadd(month, 1, convert(date, cast(year_month as varchar(200)) + '01'))) as to_date,
    	--create empirical dual flag based on presence of medicaid and medicare ID
    	case when (med_medicaid_eligibility_id is not null or rx_medicaid_eligibility_id is not null or dental_medicaid_eligibility_id is not null)
    		and (med_medicare_eligibility_id is not null or rx_medicare_eligibility_id is not null or dental_medicare_eligibility_id is not null)
    		then 1 else 0
    	end as dual_flag,
      --create coverage categorical variable for medical coverage
        when med_medicaid_eligibility_id is not null and med_commercial_eligibility_id is null and med_medicare_eligibility_id is null then 1 --Medicaid only
        when med_medicaid_eligibility_id is null and med_commercial_eligibility_id is null and med_medicare_eligibility_id is not null then 2 --Medicare only
        when med_medicaid_eligibility_id is null and med_commercial_eligibility_id is not null and med_medicare_eligibility_id is null then 3 --Commercial only
        when med_medicaid_eligibility_id is not null and med_commercial_eligibility_id is null and med_medicare_eligibility_id is not null then 4 -- Medicaid-Medicare dual
        when med_medicaid_eligibility_id is not null and med_commercial_eligibility_id is not null and med_medicare_eligibility_id is null then 5 --Medicaid-commercial dual
        when med_medicaid_eligibility_id is null and med_commercial_eligibility_id is not null and med_medicare_eligibility_id is not null then 6 --Medicare-commercial dual
        when med_medicaid_eligibility_id is not null and med_commercial_eligibility_id is not null and med_medicare_eligibility_id is not null then 7 -- All three
        when medical_eligibility_id is not null then 8 -- Unknown market
        else 0 --no medical coverage
      end as med_covgrp,
      --create coverage categorical variable for pharmacy coverage
        when rx_medicaid_eligibility_id is not null and rx_commercial_eligibility_id is null and rx_medicare_eligibility_id is null then 1 --Medicaid only
        when rx_medicaid_eligibility_id is null and rx_commercial_eligibility_id is null and rx_medicare_eligibility_id is not null then 2 --Medicare only
        when rx_medicaid_eligibility_id is null and rx_commercial_eligibility_id is not null and rx_medicare_eligibility_id is null then 3 --Commercial only
        when rx_medicaid_eligibility_id is not null and rx_commercial_eligibility_id is null and rx_medicare_eligibility_id is not null then 4 -- Medicaid-Medicare dual
        when rx_medicaid_eligibility_id is not null and rx_commercial_eligibility_id is not null and rx_medicare_eligibility_id is null then 5 --Medicaid-commercial dual
        when rx_medicaid_eligibility_id is null and rx_commercial_eligibility_id is not null and rx_medicare_eligibility_id is not null then 6 --Medicare-commercial dual
        when rx_medicaid_eligibility_id is not null and rx_commercial_eligibility_id is not null and rx_medicare_eligibility_id is not null then 7 -- All three
        when pharmacy_eligibility_id is not null then 8 -- Unknown market
        else 0 --no pharm coverage
      end as pharm_covgrp,
      --create coverage categorical variable for dental coverage
        when dental_medicaid_eligibility_id is not null and dental_commercial_eligibility_id is null and dental_medicare_eligibility_id is null then 1 --Medicaid only
        when dental_medicaid_eligibility_id is null and dental_commercial_eligibility_id is null and dental_medicare_eligibility_id is not null then 2 --Medicare only
        when dental_medicaid_eligibility_id is null and dental_commercial_eligibility_id is not null and dental_medicare_eligibility_id is null then 3 --Commercial only
        when dental_medicaid_eligibility_id is not null and dental_commercial_eligibility_id is null and dental_medicare_eligibility_id is not null then 4 -- Medicaid-Medicare dual
        when dental_medicaid_eligibility_id is not null and dental_commercial_eligibility_id is not null and dental_medicare_eligibility_id is null then 5 --Medicaid-commercial dual
        when dental_medicaid_eligibility_id is null and dental_commercial_eligibility_id is not null and dental_medicare_eligibility_id is not null then 6 --Medicare-commercial dual
        when dental_medicaid_eligibility_id is not null and dental_commercial_eligibility_id is not null and dental_medicare_eligibility_id is not null then 7 -- All three
        when dental_eligibility_id is not null then 8 -- Unknown market
        else 0 --no dental coverage
      end as dental_covgrp
    into #temp1
    from stg_claims.apcd_member_month_detail;
    --STEP 2: Assign a group number to each set of contiguous months by person, covgrp, dual_flag, and ZIP code
    if object_id('tempdb..#temp2') is not null drop table #temp2;
    select distinct internal_member_id, from_date, to_date, zip_code, med_covgrp, pharm_covgrp, dental_covgrp, dual_flag,
    	datediff(month, '1900-01-01', from_date) - row_number() 
    	over (partition by internal_member_id, zip_code, med_covgrp, pharm_covgrp, dental_covgrp, dual_flag order by from_date) as group_num
    into #temp2
    from #temp1;
    if object_id('tempdb..#temp1') is not null drop table #temp1;
    --STEP 3: Taking the max and min of each contiguous period, collapse to one row
    if object_id('tempdb..#temp3') is not null drop table #temp3;
    select internal_member_id, zip_code, med_covgrp, pharm_covgrp, dental_covgrp, dual_flag, min(from_date) as from_date, max(to_date) as to_date,
      datediff(day, min(from_date), max(to_date)) + 1 as cov_time_day
    into #temp3
    from #temp2
    group by internal_member_id, zip_code, med_covgrp, pharm_covgrp, dental_covgrp, dual_flag, group_num;
    if object_id('tempdb..#temp2') is not null drop table #temp2;
    --STEP 4: Add additional coverage flag and geographic variables and insert data into table shell
    insert into stg_claims.stage_apcd_elig_timevar
    a.internal_member_id as id_apcd,
    --Contiguous flag (contiguous with prior row)
    case when datediff(day, lag(a.to_date, 1) over (partition by a.internal_member_id order by a.internal_member_id, a.from_date), a.from_date) = 1
    then 1 else 0 end as contiguous,
    --Binary flags for medical, pharmacy, dental coverage type
    case when a.med_covgrp in (1,4,5,7) then 1 else 0 end as med_medicaid,
    case when a.med_covgrp in (2,4,6,7) then 1 else 0 end as med_medicare,
    case when a.med_covgrp in (3,5,6,7) then 1 else 0 end as med_commercial,
    case when a.med_covgrp = 8 then 1 else 0 end as med_unknown,
    case when a.pharm_covgrp in (1,4,5,7) then 1 else 0 end as pharm_medicaid,
    case when a.pharm_covgrp in (2,4,6,7) then 1 else 0 end as pharm_medicare,
    case when a.pharm_covgrp in (3,5,6,7) then 1 else 0 end as pharm_commercial,
    case when a.pharm_covgrp = 8 then 1 else 0 end as pharm_unknown,
    case when a.dental_covgrp in (1,4,5,7) then 1 else 0 end as dental_medicaid,
    case when a.dental_covgrp in (2,4,6,7) then 1 else 0 end as dental_medicare,
    case when a.dental_covgrp in (3,5,6,7) then 1 else 0 end as dental_commercial,
    case when a.dental_covgrp = 8 then 1 else 0 end as dental_unknown,
    a.dual_flag as dual,
    a.zip_code as geo_zip,
    d.geo_county_code_fips as geo_county_code,
    b.zip_group_desc as geo_county,
    c.zip_group_code as geo_ach_code,
    c.zip_group_desc as geo_ach,
    case when b.zip_group_desc is not null then 1 else 0 end as geo_wa,
    case when b.zip_group_desc = 'King' then 1 else 0 end as geo_kc,
    getdate() as last_run
    from #temp3 as a
    left join (select distinct zip_code, zip_group_desc from stg_claims.ref_apcd_zip_group where zip_group_type_desc = 'County') as b
    on a.zip_code = b.zip_code
    left join (select distinct zip_code, zip_group_code, zip_group_desc from stg_claims.ref_apcd_zip_group where left(zip_group_type_desc, 3) = 'Acc') as c
    on a.zip_code = c.zip_code
    left join stg_claims.ref_geo_county_code_wa as d
    on b.zip_group_desc = d.geo_county_name;
    if object_id('tempdb..#temp3') is not null drop table #temp3;",
    .con = dw_inthealth))

#### Table-level QA script ####
qa_stage.apcd_elig_timevar_f <- function() {
  res1 <- dbGetQuery(conn = dw_inthealth, glue_sql(
    "select 'stg_claims.stage_apcd_elig_timevar' as 'table', 'member count, expect match to raw tables' as qa_type, count(distinct id_apcd) as qa
    from stg_claims.stage_apcd_elig_timevar",
    .con = dw_inthealth))
  res2 <- dbGetQuery(conn = dw_inthealth, glue_sql(
    "select 'stg_claims.apcd_member_month_detail' as 'table', 'member count, expect match to timevar' as qa_type, count(distinct internal_member_id) as qa
    from stg_claims.apcd_member_month_detail",
    .con = dw_inthealth))
  res3 <- dbGetQuery(conn = dw_inthealth, glue_sql(
    "select 'stg_claims.stage_apcd_elig_demo' as 'table', 'member count, expect match to timevar' as qa_type, count(distinct id_apcd) as qa
    from stg_claims.stage_apcd_elig_demo",
    .con = dw_inthealth))
  res4 <- dbGetQuery(conn = dw_inthealth, glue_sql(
    "select 'stg_claims.stage_apcd_elig_timevar' as 'table', 'member count, King 2016, expect match to member_month' as qa_type, count(distinct id_apcd) as qa
    from stg_claims.stage_apcd_elig_timevar
      where from_date <= '2016-12-31' and to_date >= '2016-01-01'
      and geo_ach = 'HealthierHere'",
    .con = dw_inthealth))
  res5 <- dbGetQuery(conn = dw_inthealth, glue_sql(
    "select 'stg_claims.apcd_member_month_detail' as 'table', 'member count, King 2016, expect match to timevar' as qa_type, count(distinct internal_member_id) as qa
    from stg_claims.apcd_member_month_detail
      where left(year_month,4) = '2016'
      and zip_code in (select zip_code from stg_claims.ref_apcd_zip_group where zip_group_desc = 'King' and zip_group_type_desc = 'County')",
    .con = dw_inthealth))
  res6 <- dbGetQuery(conn = dw_inthealth, glue_sql(
    "select 'stg_claims.apcd_eligibility' as 'table', 'member count, King 2016, expect slightly more than timevar' as qa_type, count(distinct internal_member_id) as qa
    from stg_claims.apcd_eligibility
      where eligibility_start_dt <= '2016-12-31' and eligibility_end_dt >= '2016-01-01'
      and zip in (select zip_code from stg_claims.ref_apcd_zip_group where zip_group_desc = 'King' and zip_group_type_desc = 'County')",
    .con = dw_inthealth))
  res7 <- dbGetQuery(conn = dw_inthealth, glue_sql(
    "select 'stg_claims.stage_apcd_elig_timevar' as 'table', 'count of member elig segments with no coverage, expect 0' as qa_type, count(distinct id_apcd) as qa
    from stg_claims.stage_apcd_elig_timevar
    where med_covgrp = 0 and pharm_covgrp = 0 and dental_covgrp = 0;",
    .con = dw_inthealth))
  res8 <- dbGetQuery(conn = dw_inthealth, glue_sql(
    "select 'stg_claims.stage_apcd_elig_timevar' as 'table', 'max to_date, expect max to_date of latest extract' as qa_type,
    cast(left(max(to_date),4) + SUBSTRING(cast(max(to_date) as varchar(255)),6,2) + right(max(to_date),2) as integer) as qa
    from stg_claims.stage_apcd_elig_timevar;",
    .con = dw_inthealth))
  res9 <- dbGetQuery(conn = dw_inthealth, glue_sql(
    "select 'stg_claims.stage_apcd_elig_timevar' as 'table', 'mcaid-mcare duals with dual flag = 0, expect 0' as qa_type, count(*) as qa
    from stg_claims.stage_apcd_elig_timevar
    where (med_covgrp = 4 or pharm_covgrp = 4) and dual = 0;",
    .con = dw_inthealth))
  res10 <- dbGetQuery(conn = dw_inthealth, glue_sql(
    "select 'stg_claims.stage_apcd_elig_timevar' as 'table', 'non-WA resident segments with non-null county name, expect 0' as qa_type, count(*) as qa
    from stg_claims.stage_apcd_elig_timevar
    where geo_wa = 0 and geo_county is not null;",
    .con = dw_inthealth))
  res11 <- dbGetQuery(conn = dw_inthealth, glue_sql(
    "select 'stg_claims.stage_apcd_elig_timevar' as 'table', 'WA resident segments with null county name, expect 0' as qa_type, count(*) as qa
    from stg_claims.stage_apcd_elig_timevar
    where geo_wa = 1 and geo_county is null;",
    .con = dw_inthealth))
  res_final <- mget(ls(pattern="^res")) %>% bind_rows()
PHSKC-APDE/claims_data documentation built on Sept. 15, 2024, 1:24 a.m.