
status Lifecycle:
stable R-CMD-check


databraryr is a wrapper for the Databrary data library’s application programming interface (API). The package can be used to create reproducible data wrangling, analysis, and visualization pipelines from data stored and shared on Databrary.


# The easiest way to install databraryr is from CRAN

# The development release can be installed from GitHub


Databrary ( is a restricted-access research data library specialized for storing and sharing video with capabilities of storing other types of associated data. Access to restricted data requires registration and formal approval by an institution. The registration process involves the creation of an (email-account-based) user account and secure password. Once institutional authorization has been granted, a user may gain access to shared video, audio, and other data. See for more information about gaining access to restricted data.

However, many commands in the databraryr package return meaningful results without or prior to formal authorization. These commands access public data or metadata.

#> Welcome to the databraryr package.

#> # A tibble: 1 × 9
#>   date                investigators affiliates institutions datasets_total
#>   <dttm>                      <int>      <int>        <int>          <int>
#> 1 2024-03-29 14:38:54          1740        680          784           1670
#> # ℹ 4 more variables: datasets_shared <int>, n_files <int>, hours <dbl>,
#> #   TB <dbl>

list_volume_assets() |> 
#>   asset_id asset_format_id asset_duration                 asset_name
#> 1     9826            -800         335883               Introduction
#> 2     9830            -800        4277835         Databrary 1.0 plan
#> 3     9832            -800        3107147                    Datavyu
#> 4    22412               6             NA                     Slides
#> 5     9828            -800        4425483             Databrary demo
#> 6     9834            -800        4964011 Overview and Policy Update
#>   asset_permission asset_size session_id session_date session_release
#> 1                1   88610655       6256   2013-10-28               3
#> 2                1  899912341       6256   2013-10-28               3
#> 3                1  764340542       6256   2013-10-28               3
#> 4                1    4573426       6256   2013-10-28               3
#> 5                1  917124852       6256   2013-10-28               3
#> 6                1 1301079971       6257   2014-04-07               3
#>   format_mimetype format_extension       format_name
#> 1       video/mp4              mp4      MPEG-4 video
#> 2       video/mp4              mp4      MPEG-4 video
#> 3       video/mp4              mp4      MPEG-4 video
#> 4 application/pdf              pdf Portable document
#> 5       video/mp4              mp4      MPEG-4 video
#> 6       video/mp4              mp4      MPEG-4 video


Rick Gilmore has been using experimental versions of databraryr for many years, but the package was only released to CRAN in the fall of 2023. Some new features are on the roadmap, but the package is largely stable.

PLAY-behaviorome/databraryapi documentation built on Sept. 24, 2024, 8:29 a.m.