get_ordinal_priors: Get priors for an ordinal variable converted into cumulative...

Description Usage Arguments Value

View source: R/get_ordinal_priors.R


Get priors for an ordinal variable converted into cumulative log odds





A vector of probabilities for each threshold (i.e response point) on your scale. Probabilities must sum to 1 or to 100.


A vector of cumulative log odds for all n-1 thresholds (i.e. response points). The cumulative log odds for the nth threshold are not returned, given that : 1) the log odds for the last threshold does not need to be specified as a prior in bmrs; 2) probabilities nessarily sum to 1 and the log odds for 1 is Inf.

PLMir/psyhelper documentation built on Oct. 30, 2019, 10:25 p.m.