
Catch useful informations (e.g. the "Name", the "Date", the "Total Sequences", the "Sequences flagged as poor quality", the "Sequence length", the "%GC" and the adapters content) into FastQC html files created by the FastQC tool.

Installation from GitHub and loading

# may be useful : install.packages("devtools")

Quick Start

Galaxy give you many FastQC files in zip. Unzip it in a folder.

Got to R, don't forget to "Get your working directory" into this previous folder.

Run this to catch the information for one FastQC file :

FastQCresults("HI.4112.002.D710---D501.X18_R2_fastqc.html") # for old FastQC version <2019
New_FastQCresults("HI.4112.002.D710---D501.X18_R2_fastqc.html") # for new FastQC version > 2019

Run this to catch all information for all FastQC files and print it in a file ("FastQCanalysis.csv") :

FastQCresultsForAll() # for old FastQC version <2019
New_FastQCresultsForAll() # for new FastQC version > 2019

Run this to obtain all adapters content of all FastQC in one pdf file ("Adapters content.pdf"), but before you will need to unzip all files :

id <- list.files(pattern = ".zip") # Find all the names of files with html extension
for(i in id){
  unzip(i, exdir="~/PATH_OF_FOUR_FILES")

Run this to obtain all the per base quality of all FastQC in one pdf file ("Per base quality.pdf"), but before you will need to unzip all files :

id <- list.files(pattern = ".zip") # Find all the names of files with html extension
for(i in id){
  unzip(i, exdir="~/PATH_OF_FOUR_FILES")

And that's it ! ;)

Update 2020/03/17

For new version of FastQC, lunch:


PLStenger/ReadFastQC documentation built on April 3, 2021, 4:53 a.m.