datasets_real: Exemplary FHIR bundles

medication_bundlesR Documentation

Exemplary FHIR bundles


These data examples can be used to explore some of the functions from the fhircrackr package when direct access to a FHIR server is not possible.

All example data sets are fhir_bundle_lists containing fhir_bundle_serialized objects representing FHIR bundles as returned by fhir_search(). They have to be unserialized (once per R session), before you can work with them!





An object of class fhir_bundle_list of length 3.

An object of class fhir_bundle_list of length 2.


medication_bundles contains 3 bundles with MedicationStatement resources representing Medications with Snomed CT code 429374003 and the respective Patient resources that are linked to these MedicationStatements.

patient_bundles contains 2 bundles with Patient resources.


The data sets are generated by the following code:

medication_bundles (Downloaded 10-05-21)

search_request  <- fhir_url(url = "",
							resource = "MedicationStatement",
							parameters = c("code" = "|429374003",
										   "_include" = "MedicationStatement:subject"))

bundles <- fhir_search(request = search_request, max_bundles = 3)

medication_bundles <- fhir_serialize(bundles = bundles)

patient_bundles (Downloaded 10-05-21)

bundles <- fhir_search(request="",
                       verbose = 0)

patient_bundles <- fhir_serialize(bundles = bundles)


#unserialize xml objects before doing anything else with them!
fhir_unserialize(bundles = medication_bundles)

#unserialize xml objects before doing anything else with them!
fhir_unserialize(bundles = patient_bundles)

POLAR-fhiR/fhircrackr documentation built on Jan. 29, 2025, 3:46 a.m.