Man pages for PROMiDAT/discoveR
Exploratory Data Analysis System

app_serverThe application server-side
BPCalculate inter-class inertia
calc.centrosCalculation of the center of clusters
discoveRExploratory Data Analysis System
e_afcbiAFC biplot
e_afcbi_3DAFC biplot in 3D
e_afccolAFC plot of variables
e_afccol_3DAFC plot of variables in 3D
e_afcmbiAFCM biplot
e_afcmbi_3DAFCM biplot in 3D
e_afcmcatAFCM plot of categories
e_afcmcat_3DAFCM plot of categories in 3D
e_afcmindAFCM plot of individuals
e_afcmind_3DAFCM plot of individuals in 3D
e_afcmvarAFCM plot of variables
e_afcmvar_3DAFCM plot of variables in 3D
e_afcrowAFC plot of individuals
e_afcrow_3DAFC plot of individuals in 3D
e_catBarplot for categoric variable by clusters.
e_horizHorizontal representation for centers of clusters.
e_inerciaInertia plot of clusterization
e_jambuJambu Elbow plot
e_mapaPCA plot of individuals colored by clusters
e_mapa_3DPCA plot of individuals colored by clusters
e_pcabiPCA biplot
e_pcabi_3DPCA biplot in 3D
e_pcaindPCA plot of individuals
e_pcaind_3DPCA plot of individuals in 3D
e_pcavarPCA plot of variables
e_pcavar_3DPCA plot of variables in 3D
e_radarRadar representation for centers of clusters.
e_silhouetteSilhouette plot
e_vertVertical representation for centers of clusters.
gg_dendrogramaDendrogram plot
inercia.totalCalculate total inertia
mod_acp_serveracp Server Function
mod_cj_servercj Server Function
mod_kmedias_serverkmedias Server Function
run_appRun the Shiny Application
WPCalculate intra-class inertia
PROMiDAT/discoveR documentation built on March 2, 2023, 6:58 p.m.