Man pages for PabloMBooster/fenix

area_isoparalitoralArea isoparalitoral
bin_lengthbin size
cohort_to_lengthCohort to length
coverCalaarea covered by fleet
DateTempSeasons of the North-Center Stock of the Peruvian anchovy
estima_dcDistance to coast
estima_dc2Distance to coast
estima_distanceMinimal distance
estima_distance_signoMinimal distance
extrae_numeroExtract number
fun_mean_ICconfidence intervals
get_age_distConverting size frequency to age frequency
get_weekGet week
jet_colorsColor palette
mapa_peruMapa de Peru
modasFind modas
plot_reproPlots of reproductive indices
puntos_tierrapoints on land
rangeWeekRange of day by week
read.biomLeer datos biometricos de crucero
remove_outliersRemove outliers
sd_mediandesviation of median
spatial_catch_latCaptura espacial por latitud
TallasSeg_mapaIsoMapear tallas y captura por areas iso
test_normTests of normality
trimRemove whitespace
variogramaMake a variograma
PabloMBooster/fenix documentation built on Sept. 7, 2024, 9:19 a.m.