Man pages for Pakillo/pacotools
Miscellaneous tools I often need and forget about

checkLogRegLogistic regression model checks
data_diffDiff two dataframes
dropbox_pathGet path to local Dropbox folder.
getcoloursGetcolours: choosing colours visually
gfitLogRegGoodness of fit of a Logistic Regression
move_columnsMove the columns of a dataframe relative to each other.
multiplotPlot multiple plots in a single pane
pacotoolsA collection of miscellaneous tools I often need and forget...
plotRegPlot regression
r2.gelmanCalculate R squared (R2) for a multilevel/hierarchical model...
r2.multilevelCalculate marginal and conditional R squared (R2) for a...
savepdfSmallMargSave plot as a pdf file with reduced margins (suitable for...
syncpackagesSynchronise installed packages between different computers
Pakillo/pacotools documentation built on May 7, 2019, 11:56 p.m.