Man pages for PaoloBnn/Retip
Retention Time Prediction for Metabolomics

addRT.monaAdd Retention Time to a mona.msp
cescBuild a model to center and scale dataframe
chem.spaceExtract information from msp file downloaded from MoNA
fit.automl.h2oBuild autoML Model
fit.brnnBuild Bayesian Regularized Neural Network Model
fit.kerasBuild Keras model
fit.lightgbmBuild LightGBM model
fit.rfBuild Random Forest model
fit.xgboostBuild XGboost Model
getCDCalculate Chemical Descriptors using RCDK
getRT.smileCalculate the Retention Time from a smiles entry
get.scoreCalculate score from each model to testing dataset. You can...
HILICFiehnHilic positive dataset.
p.modelPlot Model
p.model.featuresPlot Feature Importance
prep.monaExtract information from msp file downloaded from MoNA
prep.wizardStart parallel computing
proc.dataClean dataset removing NA value and Near zero variance...
RT.exportExport RT to external Mass Spectrometry Software
RT.spellPredict Retention Time
PaoloBnn/Retip documentation built on June 8, 2024, 6:19 a.m.