Man pages for PatrickEslick/CyAN
Interact with CyAN data

add_EPA_recreational_thresholdAdd EPA recreational threshold
add_GMT_timeAdd a column of GMT time to a cyan data query
add_solar_noonAdd a logical column indicating whether the sample was taken...
add_trophic_statusAdd columns for trophic status
add_WHO_categoryAdd WHO thresholds
apply_flagsApply a given flag to results
connect_cyanConnect to the CyAN database
find_flaggedFind results with a particular flag
find_flagged_dataFind results with a particular flag
generate_location_indexGenerate an index of locations and parameters from the...
generate_parameter_indexGenerate a table of parameter identifiers and their short...
get_bivariateFind simaltaneous measurements of two parameters
get_cyan_dataGet data from CyAN
plot_bivariatePlot bivariate data
remove_flagsRemove flags from the QC_FLAGS table
run_CyANStart the CyAN app
PatrickEslick/CyAN documentation built on Oct. 2, 2019, 5:50 p.m.