
#' @title  Vegetation and Environment in Dutch Dune Meadows
#' @usage
#' data(dune)

#' @description
#'   The dune meadow vegetation data, codedune, has cover class values
#'   of 30 species on 20 sites. The corresponding environmental data frame
#'   codedune.env has following entries:
#' @format
#'   code dune is a data frame of observations of 30 species at 20
#'   sites. The species names are abbreviated to 4+4 letters (see
#'                                                            codelinkmake.cepnames). The following names are changed from
#'   the original source (Jongman et al. 1987): emphLeontodon
#'     autumnalis to emphScorzoneroides, and emphPotentilla
#'       palustris to emphComarum.
#' @source
#'   Jongman, R.H.G, ter Braak, C.J.F & van Tongeren,
#'   O.F.R. (1987). emphData Analysis in Community and Landscape
#'     Ecology. Pudoc, Wageningen.
#' @name dune
#' @docType data
#' @examples
#'   data(dune)
PaulESantos/diversity.tool documentation built on July 29, 2022, 8:20 a.m.