Man pages for PaulRegular/SimSurvey
Test Surveys by Simulating Spatially-Correlated Populations

bathySouthern Newfoundland bathymetry
convert_NConvert abundance-at-age matrix to abundance-at-length
dot-QHelper function to generate precision matrix Q for simulation
error_statsCalculate common error statistics
expand_surveysSet-up a series of surveys from all combinations of settings...
fibonacciGenerate Fibonacci sequence
group_lengthsConvert length to length group
iccCalculate intraclass correlation
landSouthern Newfoundland coastline
make_gridMake a depth stratified survey grid
make_meshMake an R-INLA mesh based off a grid
object_sizePrint object size
plot_trendSimple plotting functions
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
round_simRound simulated population
run_stratRun stratified analysis on simulated data
sim_abundanceSimulate basic population dynamics model
sim_ays_covarSimulate age-year-space covariance
sim_ays_covar_spdeSimulate age-year-space covariance using SPDE approach
sim_distributionSimulate spatial and temporal distribution
sim_logisticClosure for simulating logistic curve
sim_nlfDefine a non-linear relationship
sim_parabolaDefine a parabolic relationship
sim_RSimulate starting abundance, random recruitment and total...
sim_setsSimulate survey sets
sim_surveySimulate stratified-random survey
sim_survey_parallelSimulate stratified random surveys using parallel computation
sim_vonBClosure for simulating length given age using von Bertalanffy...
strat_dataPrepare simulated data for stratified analysis
strat_errorCalculate error of stratified estimates
strat_meansCalculate stratified means, variances and confidence...
survey_gridSample survey simulation grid.
survey_lite_meshLite sample survey mesh and related items
survey_meshSample survey meshes and related items
test_surveysTest sampling design of multiple surveys using a stratified...
vis_simMake a flexdashboard for visualizing the simulation
PaulRegular/SimSurvey documentation built on Sept. 21, 2023, 7:42 p.m.