Rbec: Reference-based error correction of amplicon sequencing data

View source: R/Rbec.R

RbecR Documentation

Reference-based error correction of amplicon sequencing data


This function corrects the amplicon sequencing data from synthetic communities where the reference sequences are known a priori


Rbec(fastq, reference, outdir, threads=1, sampling_size=5000, ascii=33, min_cont_obs_abd=200, min_cont_abd=0.03, min_E=0.05, min_P=1e-40, ref_seeker=1, cn=NULL)



the path of the fastq file containg merged amplicon sequencing reads (Ns are not allowed in the reads)


the path of the unique reference sequences, each sequence must be in one line (Ns are not allowed in the sequences)


the output directory, which should be created by the user


the number of threads used, default 1


the sampling size for calculating the error matrix, default 5000


ascii characters used to encode phred scores (33 or 64), default 33


the minimum oberseved abundace of unique tags for detecting contamination sequences, default 200


the relative abundance of unique tgas for detecting contamination sequences that can't be corrected by any of the references, default 0.03


the minimum expectation of the Possion distribution for the identification of paralogues, default 0.05


the minimum P value threshold of the Possion distribution to correct a read, default 1e-40


the method for finding the candidate error-producing reference sequence for a tag showing identical lowest K-mer distance to multiple references. 1 for the abundance-based method; 2 for the transition probability-based method, default 1.


the path to the copy number table documenting the copy number of the marker gene in each strain (header inclusive), otherwise Rbec will normalize the abundance based on the internally inferred copy number, which tends to underestimate the true copy number, defaul NULL.


Ruben Garrido-Oter's group, Plant-Microbe interaction, Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research


lambda_final.out the lambda value and pvalue of the Poisson distribution for each read

error_matrix_final.out the error matrix in the final iteration

strain_table.txt the strain composition of the sample

strain_table_normalized.txt the copy-number-normalized strain composition of the sample if the copy number table is provided

contamination_seq.fna the potential sequences generated by contaminants

rbec.log percentage of corrected reads, which can be used to predict contaminated samples

paralogue_seq.fna paralogue sequences found in each strain except for the reference provided


Pengfan Zhang


fastq <- system.file("extdata", "test_raw_merged_reads.fastq.gz", package = "Rbec")

ref <- system.file("extdata", "test_ref.fasta", package = "Rbec")

Rbec(fastq=fastq, reference=ref, outdir=tempdir(), threads=1, sampling_size=500, ascii=33)

PengfanZhang/Rbec documentation built on Sept. 13, 2023, 1 a.m.