#' @title Inter-modal Coupling Model
#' @description Implements full volumetric IMCo coupling estimation on a single subject
#' @param files Vector of full paths to images or a list of local nifti objects
#' @param brainMask Full path to brain mask or local nifti object
#' @param subMask NULL or local nifti object or the full path to a mask that is a subset of brain mask where coupling should be computed
#' @param type "regression" or "pca"
#' @param ref reference modality when type="pca" or dependent modality when type="regression"
#' @param fwhm Full width in voxels for FWHM
#' @param thresh Threshold for trimming Gaussian kernel weights
#' @param radius radius of neighborhood in number of voxels. Can be specified instead of fwhm. Default is NULL and overrides fwhm when specified as non-NULL.
#' @param reverse If TRUE, calculates both regressions if type="regression" and length(files)==2, otherwise ignored
#' @param verbose TRUE for updates on computation, else FALSE
#' @param retimg If TRUE, return list of estimated coupling maps as nifti objects
#' @param outDir Full path to directory where maps should be written
#' @param propMiss Maximum proportion of missing voxels in a neighborhood to tolerate, i.e., return NA if missing more than propMiss in the neighborhood of the center voxel
#' @export
#' @import ANTsR
#' @importFrom extrantsr check_ants
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @return Estimated IMCo coupling maps, either written to files and/or returned as nifti objects
#' @examples \dontrun{
imco <- function(files, brainMask, subMask=NULL, type="pca", ref=1, fwhm=3, thresh=0.005, radius=NULL, reverse=FALSE, verbose=TRUE, retimg=FALSE, outDir=NULL, propMiss=NULL){
if(!(type=="pca" | type=="regression")){
stop('type must be either pca or regression')
if(!(is.numeric(ref) & ref<=length(files))){
stop('check reference modality specification')
nf = length(files)
fileList = check_ants(files)
for(i in 2:length(files)){
stop('Image dimensions do not match')
stop('Voxel dimensions do not match')
# Dimension of each voxel in mm
vDims = antsGetSpacing(fileList[[1]])
# Image dimension
imgDims = dim(fileList[[1]])
if(fwhm <= 0){
stop('fwhm must be positive')
if(fwhm > min(imgDims)){
stop('fwhm too large')
if(!is.numeric(thresh) | thresh <= 0 | thresh >=1){
stop('thresh must be between 0 and 1')
} else{
if(radius < 1){
stop('radius must be 1 or greater')
if(radius > min(imgDims)){
stop('radius too large')
if(!is.numeric(thresh) | thresh <= 0 | thresh >=1){
stop('thresh must be between 0 and 1')
# Read in brain mask
bMask = check_ants(brainMask)
stop('Image dimensions do not match the brain mask')
stop('Voxel dimensions do not match the brain mask')
# Assign anything outside brain mask to NA
fileList = lapply(fileList, function(x){newx = x; newx[bMask==0] = NA; return(newx)})
# FWHM => sigma
# Note: We specify FWHM in terms of number of
# voxels along the axis of smallest size (mm).
# Thus, the neighborhood is specified in terms
# of a univariate Gaussian but the weights are
# computed from a trivariate Gaussian consisting
# of 3 independent univariate Gaussians.
minDim = min(vDims) #Should I use max or min to compute sigma?
width = fwhm*minDim
# Need sigma for specifying Guassian kernel
# sigma is variance here
sigma = width/(2*sqrt(2*log(2)))
# Backsolve for radius using kernel formula, assuming 3D vector with equal elements (e.g., c(2,2,2))
radium = round(sqrt(-2*sigma*log(thresh)/3), 0)
radius = rep(radium, 3)
} else{
sigma = (radius^2)*(-3/2)/log(thresh)
radius = rep(radius, 3)
cat("# Extracting neighborhood data \n")
# Neighborhood data from each modality
sMask = check_ants(subMask)
mask_indices = which(as.array(sMask) > 0)
nhoods = lapply(fileList, function(x) getNeighborhoodInMask(image=x, mask=sMask, radius=radius, spatial.info=TRUE, boundary.condition='image'))
} else{
mask_indices = which(as.array(bMask) > 0)
nhoods = lapply(fileList, function(x) getNeighborhoodInMask(image=x, mask=bMask, radius=radius, spatial.info=TRUE))
# Will use to map back to niftis
inds = nhoods[[1]]$indices
offs = nhoods[[1]]$offsets
# ANTsR version 0.3.2 used 0 first index instead of 1
# This was changed here: https://github.com/stnava/ANTsR/commit/706148aa994d414c9efd76e9292ae99351e2c4be
# Thus, have commented out the following line and require latest release of ANTsR version 0.3.3
# inds = inds + 1
# Will use to compute distances from center voxel
nWts = get_weights(offs, vDims, sigma=sigma)
regObj = imco_reg(files=fileList, nhoods=nhoods, nWts=nWts, mask_indices=mask_indices, ref=ref, reverse=reverse, verbose=verbose, retimg=retimg, outDir=outDir, propMiss=propMiss)
} else{
pcaObj = imco_pca(files=fileList, nhoods=nhoods, nWts=nWts, mask_indices=mask_indices, ref=ref, verbose=verbose, retimg=retimg, outDir=outDir, propMiss=propMiss)
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