Man pages for PeteHaitch/GenomicTuples
Representation and Manipulation of Genomic Tuples

dot-allTuplesSortedCppAn internal helper function to check that each tuple is...
dot-findEqual.GTuplesAn internal function used by the...
dot-GT2DTConvert a GTuples object to a data.table.
dot-IPDCppAn internal function to compute the IPD of a GTuples; ; only...
dot-matrixDiffWithRecyclingCompute column-wise difference of matrices with possibly...
dot-pcompareGTuplesCppAn internal function used to pcompare GTuples.
dot-zero_rangeCheck whether all elements of a numeric vector are identical...
findOverlaps-methodsFinding overlapping genomic tuples
GenomicTuples-packageRepresentation and manipulation of genomic tuples.
GTuples-classGTuples objects
GTuples-comparisonComparing and ordering genomic tuples
GTuplesList-classGTuplesList objects
illdefined-methodsUndefined methods
intra-tuple-methodsIntra-tuple transformations of a GTuples or GTuplesLists...
nearest-methodsFinding the nearest genomic tuple/range neighbour
tuples-squeezersSqueeze the tuples out of a tuples-based object
PeteHaitch/GenomicTuples documentation built on May 3, 2024, 12:27 a.m.