tuples-squeezers: Squeeze the tuples out of a tuples-based object

tuples-squeezersR Documentation

Squeeze the tuples out of a tuples-based object


S4 generic functions for squeezing the tuples out of a tuples-based object. Similar to the S4 generic functions for squeezing the ranges out of a ranged-based object, see granges and grglist.

gtuples returns them as a GTuples object, and gtlist as a GTuplesList object.


gtuples(x, use.mcols=FALSE, ...)
gtlist(x, use.mcols=FALSE, ...)



A tuples-based object.


TRUE or FALSE (the default). Whether the metadata columns on x (accessible with mcols(x)) should be propagated to the returned object or not.


Additional arguments, for use in specific methods.


The MethylationTuples (https://github.com/PeteHaitch/MethylationTuples) package defines and document methods for various types of tuples-based objects. Other Bioconductor packages might as well.

Note that these functions can be seen as a specific kind of object getters as well as functions performing coercion.


A GTuples object for gtuples.

A GTuplesList object for gtlist.

If x is a vector-like object, the returned object is expected to be parallel to x, that is, the i-th element in the output corresponds to the i-th element in the input. If x has names on it, they're propagated to the returned object. If use.mcols is TRUE and x has metadata columns on it (accessible with mcols(x)), they're propagated to the returned object.


Peter Hickey

See Also

  • GTuples and GTuplesList objects.


## See ?MethPat in the MethylationTuples package (GitHub-only package) for some
## examples.

PeteHaitch/GenomicTuples documentation built on Nov. 9, 2023, 5:02 a.m.