trendline: Add Trendline and Show Equation to Plot

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trendlineR Documentation

Add Trendline and Show Equation to Plot


Plot, draw regression line and confidence interval, and show regression equation, R-square and P-value, as simple as possible, by using different models built in the 'trendline()' function. The function includes the following models in the latest version: "line2P" (formula as: y=a*x+b), "line3P" (y=a*x^2+b*x+c), "log2P" (y=a*ln(x)+b), "exp2P" (y=a*exp(b*x)),"exp3P" (y=a*exp(b*x)+c), "power2P" (y=a*x^b), and "power3P" (y=a*x^b+c). Besides, the summarized result of each fitted model is also output by default.


  model = "line2P",
  Pvalue.corrected = TRUE,
  linecolor = "blue",
  lty = 1,
  lwd = 1,
  show.equation = TRUE,
  show.Rsquare = TRUE,
  show.pvalue = TRUE,
  Rname = 1,
  Pname = 0,
  xname = "x",
  yname = "y",
  yhat = FALSE,
  summary = TRUE,
  ePos.x = NULL,
  ePos.y = NULL,
  text.col = "black",
  eDigit = 5,
  eSize = 1,
  CI.fill = TRUE,
  CI.level = 0.95,
  CI.color = "grey90",
  CI.alpha = 1,
  CI.lty = 1,
  CI.lwd = 1,
  las = 1,
  xlab = NULL,
  ylab = NULL,


x, y

the x and y arguments provide the x and y coordinates for the plot. Any reasonable way of defining the coordinates is acceptable.


select which model to fit. Default is "line2P". The "model" should be one of c("line2P", "line3P", "log2P", "exp2P", "exp3P", "power2P", "power3P"), their formulas are as follows:
"line2P": y=a*x+b
"line3P": y=a*x^2+b*x+c
"log2P": y=a*ln(x)+b
"exp2P": y=a*exp(b*x)
"exp3P": y=a*exp(b*x)+c
"power2P": y=a*x^b
"power3P": y=a*x^b+c


if P-value corrected or not, the value is one of c("TRUE", "FALSE").


color of regression line.


line type. lty can be specified using either text c("blank","solid","dashed","dotted","dotdash","longdash","twodash") or number c(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). Note that lty = "solid" is identical to lty=1.


line width. Default is 1.


whether to show the regression equation, the value is one of c("TRUE", "FALSE").


whether to show the R-square, the value is one of c("TRUE", "FALSE").


whether to show the P-value, the value is one of c("TRUE", "FALSE").


to specify the character of R-square, the value is one of c(0, 1), corresponding to c(r^2, R^2).


to specify the character of P-value, the value is one of c(0, 1), corresponding to c(p, P).


to specify the character of "x" in equation, see Examples [case 5].


to specify the character of "y" in equation, see Examples [case 5].


whether to add a hat symbol (^) on the top of "y" in equation. Default is FALSE.


summarizing the model fits. Default is TRUE.

ePos.x, ePos.y

equation position. Default as ePos.x = "topleft". If no need to show equation, set ePos.x = NA. It's same as those in legend.


the color used for the equation text.


the numbers of digits for equation parameters. Default is 5.


font size in percentage of equation. Default is 1.


fill the confidence interval? (TRUE by default, see 'CI.level' to control)


level of confidence interval to use (0.95 by default)


line or fill color of confidence interval.


alpha value of fill color of confidence interval.


line type of confidence interval.


line width of confidence interval.


style of axis labels. (0=parallel, 1=all horizontal, 2=all perpendicular to axis, 3=all vertical)

xlab, ylab

labels of x- and y-axis.


additional parameters to plot, such as type, main, sub, pch, col.


The linear models (line2P, line3P, log2P) in this package are estimated by lm function,
while the nonlinear models (exp2P, exp3P, power2P, power3P) are estimated by nls function (i.e., least-squares method).

The argument 'Pvalue.corrected' is only valid for non-linear regression.

If "Pvalue.corrected = TRUE", the P-value is calculated by using "Residual Sum of Squares" and "Corrected Total Sum of Squares (i.e. sum((y-mean(y))^2))".
If "Pvalue.corrected = FALSE", the P-value is calculated by using "Residual Sum of Squares" and "Uncorrected Total Sum of Squares (i.e. sum(y^2))".


Confidence intervals for nonlinear regression (i.e., objects of class nls) are based on the linear approximation described in Bates & Watts (2007) and Greenwell & Schubert-Kabban (2014).


Weiping Mei, Guangchuang Yu


Bates, D. M., and Watts, D. G. (2007) Nonlinear Regression Analysis and its Applications. Wiley.

Greenwell B. M., and Schubert-Kabban, C. M. (2014) investr: An R Package for Inverse Estimation. The R Journal, 6(1), 90-100.

See Also

trendline, SSexp3P, SSpower3P, nls, selfStart, plotFit


x <- c(1, 3, 6, 9,  13,   17)
y <- c(5, 8, 11, 13, 13.2, 13.5)

### [case 0]  ggplot2-like trendline by par {graphics}

par(mgp=c(1.5,0.4,0), mar=c(3,3,1,1), tck=-0.01, cex.axis=0.9)

trendline(x, y, "exp3P")


### [case 1] default
trendline(x, y, model="line2P", ePos.x = "topleft", summary=TRUE, eDigit=5)

### [case 2]  draw lines of confidence interval only (set CI.fill = FALSE)
trendline(x, y, model="line3P", CI.fill = FALSE, CI.color = "black", CI.lty = 2, linecolor = "blue")

### [case 3]  draw trendliine only (set CI.color = NA)
trendline(x, y, model="log2P", ePos.x= "top", linecolor = "red", CI.color = NA)

### [case 4]  show regression equation only
trendline(x, y, model="exp2P", show.Rsquare = FALSE, show.pvalue = FALSE)

### [case 5]  specify the name of parameters in equation
# see Arguments c('xname', 'yname', 'yhat', 'Rname', 'Pname').
trendline(x, y, model="exp3P", xname="T", yname=paste(delta^15,"N"),
          yhat=FALSE, Rname=1, Pname=0, ePos.x = "bottom")

### [case 6]  change the digits, font size, and color of equation.
trendline(x, y, model="power2P", eDigit = 3, eSize = 1.4, text.col = "blue")

### [case 7]  don't show equation (set ePos.x = NA)
trendline(x, y, model="power3P", ePos.x = NA)

PhDMeiwp/basicTrendline documentation built on May 7, 2022, 9:38 a.m.