Man pages for PhilBrockman/WilliamsStaff
Williams Staff

ba_patternreturns a RegEx to match any of the undergraduate degrees
calculate_ageCalculates the age of a professor
check_nameChecks if a given name is present in a list of names. Names...
collect_facultyReturns a list of faculty from the college with one professor...
contains_school_infoDetermines whether a given string contains information about...
determine_gendersDetermines the gender of a name based on findings on the...
df_descriptionA method to collect relevant professor information in a neat...
find_data_by_yearReturns a list of all text information from the first...
find_degreesFinds the appropriate abbreviations for each type of degree
gender_countDetermines the number of each type of gender in a faculty...
general_formatConverts the formatting of the different PDFs to a common...
get_ba_degreesReturns all accepted notation for an undergrad degree
get_nameGiven an entry of a scanned line of a PDF, returns the full...
get_prof_yearFinds the year that professor was registered as faculty....
has_degreeDetermines whether a person has a degree of a given type
is.integer0Determins if an input is integer(0)
is_page_numberHelper function to determine if a string is a page number....
is_suitable_faculty_candidateDetermines whether a string contains sufficient information...
is_this_a_professorHelper function to determine if a string is a professor based...
ma_patternreturns a RegEx to match any master degrees
namesReturns a list of names of all people on the person-list
overlapreturns a list of names of all staff that occur on two...
phd_patternreturns a RegEx to match any doctorates
sanitizeMakes input suitable for searching by converting to upper...
search_name_in_listLooks for a name in a faculty list
smart_convertRemoves all non-digit characters from a string
split_trimsplits and trims an array
std_errorcalculates the standard error of a list
str_trim_arrapplies stringr::str_trim to an array
PhilBrockman/WilliamsStaff documentation built on May 8, 2019, 1:33 a.m.