apps: Shiny GUIs for model-based dose-escalation studies

Description Usage Details Author(s) References Examples


A user-friendly tool to design and evaluate phase I cancer clinical trials, with the aim to estimate the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) of a novel drug. This is a point-and-click implementation of the dose-escalation study design proposed by Zhou & Whitehead (2003) that uses a Bayesian logistic regression method. The graphical user interfaces (GUIs) are based on R's Shiny system.




This package contains two separate modules:

1) The design module allows to investigate different design options and parameters, and to simulate their operating characteristics under various scenarios. Type design() and the GUI will open in a browser window.

2) The conduct module provides guidance for dose selection throughout the study, and a recommendation for the MTD at the end. Type conduct() and the GUI will open in a browser window.

Both modules generate a variety of graphs to visualise data and design properties, and create downloadable PDF reports of simulation results and study data analyses.


Philip Pallmann (


Zhou Y, Whitehead J (2003) Practical implementation of Bayesian dose-escalation procedures. Drug Information Journal, 37(1), 45–59.



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