Man pages for Pitithat-pu/cfDNAkit
Fragmen-length analysis package from high-throughput sequencing of cell-free DNA (cfDNA)

calculate_CES_scoreCalculate CES Score from Segmentation
call_cnvCall Copy-number Variation from SLRatio and segmentation
cfdnakit-packageFragmen-length analysis package from high-throughput...
create_blacklist_grCreate Blacklist regions GRanges object
create_PoNCreate Panel-of-Normal (PoN) object
extract_insert_sizeExtract Insert size from SampleBam
filter_read_on_blacklistFilter out reads on blacklist regions
fragment_distGet insert-size distribution table
get_fragment_profileGetting fragment-length information
get_segment_bysolutionReturn CNV segmentation result from given all CNV solutions
get_solution_tableGet summarised table of cnv solutions
get_zscore_profileTransform SLRatio with PoN Fragment profile
GRCh2UCSCGRangesConvert GRCh chromosome format to UCSC style
if_exist_baifileCheck if bai file exist from given bam
if_ucsc_chrformatCheck UCSC chromosomes format for input bam file
make_density_tableMake Fragment-length density table
overlap_bin_with_segmentOverlap and merge bin data frame with segmentation dataframe
pipePipe operator
plot_cnv_solutionPlot Fragment-length profile with CNV calling result
plot_distance_matrixPlot Distance Matrix from CNVCalling
plot_fragment_distPlot Fragment-length Distribution
plot_sl_ratioPlot Short/Long-fragment Ratio
plot_transformed_slPlot z-tranformed Short/Long-fragment Ratio
read_bamfileRead a bam file Read a bam file from give path. Alignment and...
read_PoN_filesRead Fragment Profile from a list of rds file
segmentByPSCBSegmentation data with PSCBS
test_isize_KolmogorovSmirnovKolmogorovSmirnov test for insert size
UCSC2GRChSampleBamConvert UCSC chromosome format to GRCh style from a list of...
util.bias_correctCorrect GC Bias readcount
zscore_transformzscore_transform transforms SLRatio profile into z-score
Pitithat-pu/cfDNAkit documentation built on April 5, 2024, 7:29 a.m.