Man pages for Pozdniakov/rdracor
Access to the 'DraCor' API

dracor_apiSend a GET request to DraCor API and parse the results
dracor_api_infoRetrieve 'DraCor' API info
dracor_sparqlSubmit SPARQL queries to DraCor API
get_character_playsRetrieve plays having a character identified by 'Wikidata ID'
get_dracorRetrieve metadata for all plays in selected corpora
get_dracor_metaRetrieve information on available corpora
get_net_cooccur_edgesRetrieve co-occurrence edges list for a play as a data frame
get_net_cooccur_gexfRetrieve co-occurrence network for a play in 'GEXF'
get_net_cooccur_graphmlRetrieve co-occurrence network for a play in 'GraphML'
get_net_cooccur_igraphRetrieve an igraph co-occurrence network for a play
get_net_cooccur_metricsRetrieve co-occurrence network metrics for a play
get_net_relations_igraphRetrieve an igraph relations network for a play
get_play_charactersRetrieve data for characters in a play
get_play_metadataRetrieve metadata for a play
get_play_rdfRetrieve an RDF for a play
get_text_chr_spokenRetrieve lines and stage directions for a play
get_text_teiRetrieve a text for a play in 'TEI'
label_cooccur_igraphExtract labels for plotting 'cooccur_igraph' object
tei_to_dfRetrieve a text for a play as a data frame
Pozdniakov/rdracor documentation built on April 9, 2024, 1:20 a.m.