knitr::opts_chunk$set(cache = TRUE, echo = TRUE, eval = FALSE)

SpaDES module repositories

A 'module repository' is simply a web site that serves files using a particular directory structure (the same directory structure used in a local SpaDES module repo).

Our module repo is at

This is the default repo in SpaDES.

- it's public
- it's easily accessible using `downloadModule()`
getOption('spades.moduleRepo') ## default url prefix is

Other SpaDES module repositories

Anybody can create their own repository as well (R has CRAN, Rforge, BioConductor and many lesser used ones)

downloadModule() has a repo argument.

Our SpaDES module repository

What is GitHub? is a free* code archive and hosting service.

Allows hosting of public and private code repositories, build around git version control software.

GitHub provides:

Using GitHub for collaboration

We, and many others, use GitHub extensively for all our group's work

GitHub Client

shiny apps

shine function

SpaDES.shiny (on GitHub) has a simple function that takes any simList and makes a web app from it:

Try it!

Simple shiny apps


Shiny maps with leaflet

Data sources

Data sharing

Where was that?

Where was that?

If there are complex data sets?

How to adequately describe data?

Overriding default datasets

PredictiveEcology/SpaDES.Workshops documentation built on Jan. 30, 2021, 6:52 p.m.