knitr::opts_chunk$set(cache = TRUE, echo = TRUE, eval = FALSE)


Spatial Discrete Event Simulator

Other DESs



Modules → Modularity

SpaDES is implemented in a way that facilitates modularity of code:

Thus, modules can be added, removed, or swapped out without needing to recode the rest of the model.

Module types

Once we see that a module is just a convenient way to group together events, anything can be a module. Can be a single line of code or as many as you want.

Agent-based modules

Raster module

Data preparation module

Why use a SpaDES module

... instead of just an R script or function?

Anatomy of a module

A module is an R script with 3 parts:

  1. Metadata - a list of 15 things

    • Name, Author, Description, other for human reader
    • parameters, input objects, output objects for R to "understand"
  2. doEvent - 2 types of things here

    • schedule events
    • run functions
  3. Anything else

    • e.g., initial data preparation steps

Running SpaDES

Essentially 2 steps

  1. Create a simList using simInit()
  2. Run spades()

All the necessary information is contained within the simList

What might be needed for a DES to run...

What is in the simList

- start and stop times
- data
- paths
- which modules to use
- parameters
- a schedule of events
- outputs

(Will be covered in detail later)


Data challenges

Numerous challenges exist with data

SpaDES doesn't necessarily solve these issues, but in some cases it helps.

Where to get help


PredictiveEcology/SpaDES.Workshops documentation built on Jan. 30, 2021, 6:52 p.m.