knitr::opts_chunk$set(cache = TRUE, echo = TRUE, eval = FALSE)

Building models from modules

A model (as defined in the SpaDES world) consists of multiple interacting components (sub-models), which in the vocabulary of SpaDES we have been referring to as 'modules'


(Return to LCC2005 model)


workDirectory <- file.path(dirname(tempdir()), "Lcc2005")
moduleDir <- file.path(workDirectory, "modules") %>%
  checkPath(., create = TRUE)
downloadModule("LCC2005", moduleDir)
openModules("LCC2005", moduleDir)

Examine this module

What is different about it?

Parent modules (a.k.a. module groups)

Module relationships

g <- data.frame(from = c("grandparentModule", "grandparentModule",
                         "parentModuleA", "parentModuleA",
                         "parentModuleB", "parentModuleB"),
                to = c("parentModuleA", "parentModuleB",
                       "childModuleA1", "childModuleA2",
                       "childModuleB1", "childModuleB2")) %>% 
plot(g, mark.groups = list(1:7, c(2,4,5), c(3,6,7)))

Module directory structure

  |_ childModuleA1/
  |_ childModuleA2/
  |_ childModuleB1/
  |_ childModuleB2/
  |_ grandparentModule/
  |_ parentModuleA/
  |_ parentModuleB/

Running a parent module

# setup simulation
outputDir <- file.path(workDirectory, "simOutputs")
cacheDir <- checkPath(file.path(outputDir, "cache"), create = TRUE)
times <- list(start = 2005.0, end = 2020.0, timeunit = "year")
parameters <- list(
  .globals = list(burnStats = "fireStats"),
  fireSpreadLcc = list(drought = 1.2),
  caribouMovementLcc = list(N = 1e3, startTime = times$start + 1, 
                            glmInitialTime = NA_real_)
modules <- list("LCC2005")
paths <- list(
  cachePath = cacheDir,
  modulePath = moduleDir,
  inputPath = moduleDir,
  outputPath = outputDir

Visual tools

There are a few tools that can help visualize the relationships between modules:

# This next step will download data if they do not yet exist locally
lcc <- simInit(times = times, params = parameters,
               modules = modules, paths = paths)

moduleDiagram(lcc, showParents = TRUE)

lcc_out <- spades(Copy(lcc))  ## compare the diagrams after running sim

What do/would these do?

Do they all work after simInit?

Creating a new parent module

The newModule function creates a module template for you to edit to suit your needs:

newModule('moduleName', file.path('path/to/my/module/directory'),
          type = 'parent', children = c('child1', 'child2'))

Alternatively, use the RStudio addin which is simply a GUI wrapper for this function (select 'parent' type):

Parent modules

A hypothetical example

The new CFS-FD model (Forest Dynamics Model)

Parent modules

Where to put code?

*make a child module that does all the stuff you might think of as parent module content, add appropriate data dependencies*
*(*i.e.*, outputs are required by the other modules as inputs)*

Child modules

Using metadata

# What are the 15 items?


PredictiveEcology/SpaDES.Workshops documentation built on Jan. 30, 2021, 6:52 p.m.