Man pages for PredictiveEcology/quickPlot
A System of Plotting Optimized for Speed and Modularity

arrangement-classThe '.arrangement' class
arrangeViewportsDetermine optimal plotting arrangement of plot objects
assignQuickPlotAssign to the internal 'quickPlot' environment.
clearPlotClear plotting device
coordinatesExtract coordinates from a variety of spatial objects
devSpecify where to plot
divergentColorsDivergent colour palette
equalExtentAssess whether a list of extents are all equal
existsQuickPlotIs an object defined in the '.quickPlotEnv' environment?
extentGet extent of a variety of spatial objects
getQuickPlotGet objects from the internal 'quickPlot' environment
getSetColorsGet and set colours for plotting Raster* objects
grid-functionsImporting some grid functions
hasBboxTest whether class has 'bbox' method
identifyGrobToPlotIdentify where to get the grob from
isRstudioServerDetermine if current session is RStudio Server
layerNamesExtract the layer names of Spatial Objects
makeColorMatrixConvert Raster to colour matrix usable by raster function for...
makeLayoutMake an optimal layout of plots
makeLinesMake 'SpatialLines' object from two 'SpatialPoints' objects
makeListConvert 'plotArgs' to list of lists
makeQuickPlotMake a '.quickPlot' class object
makeViewportsMake viewports
newPlotOpen a new plotting window
numLayersFind the number of layers in an object
objectNamesExtracts the object names
parOrigDefault plotting parameters
parseArgsParse arguments and find environments
parseElemsParsing of elements
Plot'Plot': Fast, optimally arranged, multi-panel plotting
plotGrobPlot spatial grobs (using 'grid' package)
Plot-internalInternal functions used by 'Plot'
prepareRasterPrepare raster for plotting
quickPlot-classThe '.quickPlot' class
quickPlot-classes'quickPlot' classes
quickPlotEnvThe quickPlot environment
quickPlotGrob-classThe '.quickPlotGrob' class
quickPlotMouseClicksMouse interactions with Plots
quickPlot-packageThe 'quickPlot' package
sample-mapsDummy maps included with 'quickPlot'
sp2slConvert pairs of coordinates to 'SpatialLines'
thinThin a polygon using 'fastshp::thin'
unittrimConvert 'grid.locator' units
updateQuickPlotMerge two quickPlot objects
whereInStackFind the environment in the call stack that contains an...
PredictiveEcology/quickPlot documentation built on July 8, 2023, 1:29 a.m.