Man pages for PriceLab/TrenaProject
TrenaProject - an abstract base class for all projects

getAllTranscriptionFactorsget all genes annotated by GO to
getCovariateDatasetGet the specified covariates table
getCovariateDatasetNamesList the RData files in the covariate directory
getDataDirectoryGet the names of the expression directory, wherein serialized...
getExpressionMatrixGet the a specifc expression matrix
getExpressionMatrixNamesGet the names of the expression matrices - their names with...
getFootprintDatabaseHostget the host on which the footprints Postgres database is...
getFootprintDatabaseNamesget the names of the database tables holding footprints
getFootprintDatabasePortget the port on which the footprints Postgres database is...
getGeneInfoTablereturn the data.frame with gene ids, chromosome, tss of the...
getGeneRegionGet the chromosomal region surrounding the current...
getGenomeget the genome name - to be set by derived classes
getProjectNameget the project name - to be set by derived classes
getProximalPromoterGet the chromosomal region surrounding the current...
getRegionDatasetNamesGet a list of datasets each describing regions of interest,...
getSupportedGenesget the list of genes supported in this project
getTargetGeneget the single gene currently designated for analysis
getTranscriptsTableGet the transcript info for the gene, just the first row
getVariantDatasetGet the specified variants table
getVariantDatasetNamesList the RData files in the variants directory
recognizedGeneDo we have expression data for the suggested gene? genomic...
setTargetGeneSet a single gene for analysis
showget a summary of the objects
PriceLab/TrenaProject documentation built on April 3, 2020, 4:14 p.m.