
Tools for Working with CME Group's Historical BBO Data sets

Getting started with private repositories

In order to install this toolkit, you will want to generate a personal access token from GitHub, save it to a .Renviron variable called GITHUB_PAT

Steps to get a PAT

  1. Go to your account settings on
  2. Click 'Personal Access Tokens'
  3. Click 'Generate New Token'
  4. You will have a long string of numbers that is your token.

You want to save it in a place that will not be accessible to the public in anyway. For example, you don't want it to get uploaded to a public (or even private) repository.

Steps to save your PAT in a safe place.

  1. Find out what R's 'home' directory is on your machine.
    • execute normalizePath("~/") in the console. The file identified is where you should save a plain text file called .Renvirion
  2. Open .Renviron
  3. Type the following: GITHUB_PAT = "StringofnumbersthatisyourPAT"
  4. Save .Renviron

Your PAT should be stored in a safe place and accessible from the R console. To check execute the following r code: Sys.getenv("GITHUB_PAT") You should see your own PAT in the output.

Now to install the package BBOToolkit from ProfMalloryResearch execute the following r code:


ProfMalloryResearch/BBOToolkit documentation built on May 8, 2019, 3:23 a.m.