Man pages for ProjectMOSAIC/mosaicData
Project MOSAIC Data Sets

AlcoholAlcohol Consumption per Capita
BirthdaysUS Births in 1969 - 1988
BirthsUS Births
CardsStandard Deck of Cards
CPS85Data from the 1985 Current Population Survey (CPS85)
DimesWeight of dimes
GaltonGalton's dataset of parent and child heights
GestationData from the Child Health and Development Studies
GoosePermitsGoose Permit Study
HeatXData from a heat exchanger laboratory
HELPfullHealth Evaluation and Linkage to Primary Care
HELPmissHealth Evaluation and Linkage to Primary Care
HELPrctHealth Evaluation and Linkage to Primary Care
KidsFeetFoot measurements in children
MarriageMarriage records
MitesMites and Wilt Disease
RailTrailVolume of Users of a Rail Trail
RidersVolume of Users of a Massachusetts Rail Trail
SaratogaHousesHouses in Saratoga County (2006)
SATState by State SAT data
SnowGRSnowfall data for Grand Rapids, MI
SwimRecords100 m Swimming World Records
TenMileRaceCherry Blossom Race
UtilitiesUtility bills
Utilities2Utility bills
WhickhamData from the Whickham survey
ProjectMOSAIC/mosaicData documentation built on Nov. 15, 2023, 3:49 p.m.