Man pages for ProjectMOSAIC/mosaicModel
Create, Visualize, and Predict with Models

AARPPrices for life insurance
AlderNitrogen fixing by alder plants
Birth_weightBirth weights and maternal data
College_gradesGrades at a small college
collinearityCalculate measures of collinearity
construct_fitting_callConstruct a call for refitting a model from the model itself
CrimeData from the US FBI Uniform Crime Report, 1960
data_from_modExtract training data from model
df_countsFormula interface to counts
df_propsJoint and conditional proportions
df_typicalFind typical levels of explanatory variables in a...
explanatory_varsGet the names of the explanatory or response variables in a...
formula_from_modExtract the model formula used in specifying the model
HDD_MinneapolisHeating degree days in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Houses_for_saleHouses for sale
mod_cvCompare models with k-fold cross validation
mod_effectCalculate effect sizes in a model
mod_ensembleCreate bootstrapped ensembles of a model
mod_errorMean square prediction error
mod_evalEvaluate a model for specified inputs
mod_eval_funInternal functions for evaluating models
mod_eval_gridCreate discrete levels of explanatory variables in a...
mod_funTransforms a model into a function of inputs -> output
mod_plotPlot out model values
mosaicModel'mosaicModel' package
MusselsMetabolism of zebra mussels
NCI60_snippetGene expression in cancer cells.
Oil_historyHistorical production of crude oil, worldwide 1880-2014
reference_valuesCompute sensible values from a data set for use as a baseline
RunnersPerformance of runners in a ten-mile race as they age
School_dataSimulated data bearing on school vouchers
TadpolesSwimming speed of tadpoles.
Trucking_jobsEarnings of workers at a trucking company.
Used_FordsPrices of used Ford automobiles in 2009
ProjectMOSAIC/mosaicModel documentation built on May 13, 2019, 1:35 a.m.