
name: Bug report about: Something went wrong with Rclean title: '' labels: bug assignees: MKLau

Check Here First


Describe the bug clearly and concisely.

Reproducible example

Provide a minimal reproducible example with code and output that demonstrates the problem. The reprex() function from the reprex package is extremely helpful for this.

To help us read your code, please try to follow the tidyverse style guide. The style_text() and style_file() functions from the styler package make it easier.

Expected result

What should have happened? Please be as specific as possible.

Session info

End the reproducible example with a call to sessionInfo() in the same session (e.g. reprex(si = TRUE)) and include the output.

ProvTools/Rclean documentation built on Dec. 7, 2022, 2:16 a.m.