
General Response

Thanks again to @wlandau and @nevrome for reviewing the package and providing insightful comments. I have updated the package greatly based on the various suggestions and questions. These updates are documented in the package's github repo issue and change logs. I detailed the changes as they pertain to the reviewers' comments point by point below. For unchecked, please see the comments that follow. In addition, I would like to point out that the package repo is now hosted at, which is the result of shifts in how the project is now being managed.

Response to Reviewer Comments


JOSS Co-Submission

@wlandau: missing all sections @nevrome: missing short summary

@mklau: The initial submission of the JOSS paper was based on an example of a submitted article present on the JOSS instructions. However, after this package review, there will be substantial content added to the article. I am currently working on these updates to the text.


@mklau: This has been added to the README.


Installation and automated checks


ProvTools/Rclean documentation built on Dec. 7, 2022, 2:16 a.m.