Man pages for PuzzledFace/qtlr
An Implementation of Quality Tolerance Limits

cavalryDeathsThe Bortkiewicz cavalry dataset
createBerryDataUtility function to create the data on page 63 of Berry et al
createQtlPlotCreate the QTL plot
fitBinaryModelFit a binary QTL model.
fitBinomialModelFit a model to binomial data
fitNormalModelFit a Normal model to subject-level data
fitPoissonModelFit a Poisson QTL model to rate or event count data
fitTteModelFit a time-to-event QTL model
getModelStringFunction to obtain the string that defines the default JAGS...
makeCavalryFunction to create the calavryDeaths tibble
pipePipe operator
qtlToQuantileObtain the QTL based on the quantile of a sampled posterior
runjagsResultsToTibbleA utility function to convert a 'runjags' or 'runjags.list'...
vaLungThe Kalbfleisch and Prentice (1980) VA lung dataset.
PuzzledFace/qtlr documentation built on March 19, 2020, 1:17 a.m.